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Office and Browsers

Count Number of Cell with Errors in Excel

This problem occurs, when you have a column with a formula that sometimes returns an error.  That is very typical for all kind of look-up situations .  Let’s say, you have a column E with formula that returns good values and errors.  You need to count how many errors are […]


Control WordPress 3.X.X Admin Bar Options for Subscribers

WordPress admin bar contains many interesting and convenient links for admins and editors. But it is totally useless, redundant and confusing for regular users. Here is how to hide it for subscribers while viewing the site. Open your theme functions.php file and add these  lines at the very end: if(current_user_can(‘subscriber’)) add_filter( ‘show_admin_bar’, […]


How to enter GPS coordinates into Google Maps

Let’s say you moved pictures  from your smart phone to a PC, but you want to know, where this picture was taken.  Most likely picture would have a GPS information attached to it (unless you explicitly disabled that feature on your phone).  Open picture properties (Alt + Enter) and check […]


ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA cookie – RESOLVED!

RESOLVED!  One of the test WordPress instances had an impossible, unpleasant and not covered on Google error message.  When user is trying to register, the CAPTCHA code is displayed properly and validation is correct, but when the button Register is press, the page would display this: ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA cookie […]