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Moving Win XP from RAID to RAID Machine

After several days of heavy exhausting battles and sleepless nights, after testing dozens of options, after browsing many proposed Internet solutions, I finally was able to move an old instance of Windows XP on a new machine with new RAID drivers. That happened at 13:23 on December 12, 2010.  I […]

Domain Management

Histiry of This Site –

Welcome! This is not a typical article for reading. This is a log of important events about site development and growth. 2022 Oct 26 Wed These last 2 weeks over79K new users were registered on our site.  Registration process created over 1.4 mil records in 2 user-related tables.  Only one […]

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How to Move MySQL D/B Files (Windows)

Locate your MySQL installation files and central configuration file basedir=”C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/” Your MySQL configuration is stored in “my.ini” file Locate your MySQL Database location: datadir=”C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/ Application Data/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data/” Stop MySQL service. Modify My.ini file to point to a new D/B location and Save. Move […]