
You can sign PowerShell certificates with New-SelfSignedCertificate and without MakeCert

  For those who can’t wait, here is the solution right away. Next two lines actually work – without using MakeCert.exe: New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName STA07 -Type CodeSigning Set-AuthenticodeSignature C:\T\add-signature.ps1 @(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName STA07 -codesigning)[0] First command creates a certificate in both Current User and Local Computer  Intermediate Certification Authorities.  Second command […]


Extremely Slow Windows XP Shutdown – Fixed

Several years I had this problem in one particular instance of Windows XP Professional – an extremely slow shutdown upon clicking on Shutdown button.  For several minutes system would completely freeze, and then Shutdown/Restart dialog box would finally come up. What did I know about the problem.  It was extremely […]

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Moving Win XP from RAID to RAID Machine

After several days of heavy exhausting battles and sleepless nights, after testing dozens of options, after browsing many proposed Internet solutions, I finally was able to move an old instance of Windows XP on a new machine with new RAID drivers. That happened at 13:23 on December 12, 2010.  I […]