
How to enter GPS coordinates into Google Maps

Let’s say you moved pictures  from your smart phone to a PC, but you want to know, where this picture was taken.  Most likely picture would have a GPS information attached to it (unless you explicitly disabled that feature on your phone).  Open picture properties (Alt + Enter) and check […]


Aug 21 TUE – From Pescia to Lucca

  We are in Pescia in a Villa Vezzani somewhere near even smaller Collodi.  We added this village into our itinerary, because we thought that there is a link exist between Collodi the village and Collidi the author of Pinocchio.  There are none. We woke up at 7:30 and took a quick […]


Tracking Boston Snow Records

When a narrow path to my entrance door became a treacherous ravine between two mounts of snow,  I decided to check, are we breaking any kind of record this year. Here is what I was able to find out. Boston keeps track of its weather since 1872. The most snow […]