November 2024 Democratic loss – notes in the margins

Most analysts link Democrats loss with —inflation, —immigration and —awkward Biden-Harris switch in the last 100 days. None of these are the right words for the problem.


Here is what caused Democrats to lose in November of 2024:

— PRIORITIES – abortion, automatic weapons, colling off the planet, regulating regulated business, transgender toilets.

— SPENDING OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY – Democrats offer projects as if voters have no clue how to spend earned money, but they – Democrats – know it all. There is nothing to discuss. Democrats argue as if they already own the people’s money, and now they will tell all those people what great projects these trillions of dollars will be spent on. It is trilling to be so visionary and enlightened.

—LULLABY – A sweet self-induced belief that uneducated mails voted for the Republicans. This belief is repeated and echoed in the chambers. What can we do? – There are too many uneducated males.

— BORDER – no decisions and no explanation from Washington on what is happening on the border. The prolonged silence as if this is some inconvenient or embarrassing topic.

 — NATION of WINNERS no MORE – There were no bold decisions coming out of Washington on the international front. Multiple crises and wars were allowed to evolve on their own accord. What is the US position in the world? What side are we on? No clear inspiring message from Washington. Just some anemic one step forward, two steps back.

[written 2024-11-20 WE]

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