ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA cookie – RESOLVED!

RESOLVED!  One of the test WordPress instances had an impossible, unpleasant and not covered on Google error message.  When user is trying to register, the CAPTCHA code is displayed properly and validation is correct, but when the button Register is press, the page would display this: ERROR: Unreadable CAPTCHA cookie […]


Include HTML from HTML and PHP

Just before I forget, this article is about 2 great ways to load (include) HTML file from another HTML or from PHP.  Among other things I will show how to load HTLM file from WordPress text widget. Problem – Why would you need to load an HTML text file in WordPress? Say, […]


Block Remote Comments on a WordPress site

How to block remote comments on a WordPress site?   How indeed?   Here is a question for all of you – WordPress masters out there.   Right now I am a bit puzzled. Problem – Comments without Visits I am noticing that people are posting a spam comments in a very tricky way.  […]


Movng WordPress Site to a W2K8 Server and IIS7

If you like to be in control of all your servers, you would love the gentle nature of WordPress installation.  Installation includes PHP,  MySQL  and  WordPress components.  All steps can be done manually.  Instead of running install, you can just copy files and directories, and make manual configurations adjustments.  It […]