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Transfer Rosetta Stone user progress from PC to PC

To transfer your progress data from one PC to the next you need to copy one file: tracking.db3 On Windows XP this file is located in: “%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\Language Training\” OR “%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Rosetta Stone\” (on version 3) On Windows 7 this file is located in: “%ProgramData%\Rosetta StoneLanguage Training\” “%ProgramData%\Rosetta Stone” […]


New User Registration in WordPress 3.X

There is a certain magic in many well-constructed marvels.  This definitely applies to a WordPress.  Just recently I needed to fix something inside user registration procedure, and with very limited PHP knowledge, I was able to figure out, what was going on and fix the problem. On the way there, […]

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Work with MySQL – Basic WordPress Queries

This article was born, as I was searching for ways to handle thousands of registered WordPress users, who never do anything, never return to the site, and never even change their default password.               Table of Topics -1030- List all registered users sorted by date -1060- Group registered users […]


How to Work with MySQL – Basic Tasks

This material is tested with MySQL 5.1 and 5.5 on various Windows versions. This article covers these topics: -010- MySQL Data Location -020- Shortcut to MySQL Command Shell -030- Create a New Database -035- Delete an Existing Database -040- Display a List of All DB Users -050- Display a List […]

Office and Browsers

IE10 is not saving passwords and user names

I hope this post will help a lot of frustrated users out there. PROBLEM: IE10 was working fine, but at one point it stopped saving user names and passwords for web sites. This most securely-configured browser, so switching was not an option.   Here is my solution.  Please see, if it […]