Game Results 2011-06-29 WED – Look at These Happy Faces

We started at 17:58.  It was a full 10 on 10 and later 12 on 12 game.  Very good, very interesting. Very sunny.

First 2 goals (18:13 and 18:19) were for WHITEs.  Boris R. confirmed his title of Icebreaker, slash defense breaker.  He was getting through defense and doing his thing.  And Yura D. received his very long high pass in front of Vadim L., stopped the ball, turned around and scored – 2:0.

Next 2 goals went to DARKs.  Both by Boris Sh. (18:22 and 18:25).  Stas M. serves a corner and Boris Sh. sends a header right under the top post (2:2).

Both teams kept attacking, but DARKs were spectacularly unsuccessful in their efforts.  Meanwhile WHITEs begin to build a steady pressure in the offense.  From 18:27 to 19:14 Yura D. and  Daniel A. scored 6 unanswered goals one was more beautiful than the next (8:2).

Only at 19:18 Georgi finally came through with a good straight shot into the corner (8:3).

At 19:22 Andriy N. (this is not a spelling error) scored a goal after a fault near the box.  The “wall” was apparently placed incorrectly.

Game has ended at 19:39 with earnest 102 minutes of play time.

Let’s emphasize the importance of good goalkeeping rotation in the team.  When everyone participates, it remove stress and tension inside the team.  It is very good, when each member feel the obligation to contribute.  After all it is the team winning, not the individual players.  Only Alexis (new) did not stay on the goals as he started very late in the game.

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Boris R. 5 5 12 2.4
02 Alex Grt 5 5 11 2.2
03 Pawel K. 4 2 7 1.75
04 Ily 2 2 1 0.5
05 Andrey S. 4 2 1 0.25
06 Kevin 2 2 0 0
07 Daniel A. 3 1 12 4
08 Lesha K. 5 1 4 0.8
09 Vadim L. 5 1 1 0.2
10 Yura D. 2 0 5 2.5
11 Lesha Zh. 2 0 5 2.5
12 Andriy N. 2 0 2 1
13 Victor 2 0 1 0.5
14 Peter 2 0 0 0
15 Hayk 2 0 0 0
16 Kolya P. 5 -1 7 1.4
17 Alex B. 3 -1 1 0.333
18 Ilya L. 3 -1 0 0
19 Nebati 2 -2 6 3
20 Zhenia D. 4 -2 2 0.5
21 Dr. Yurik 4 -4 8 2
22 Lyonya G. 4 -4 6 1.5
23 Igor Gr. 5 -5 3 0.6
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