25 Game Results – 2013-12-14 SAT – No plastic bags were needed


Game Overview

Last game before angry snow storm was a success.  Today 10 brave the cold.  It was an even game till 2:2.  Then DARKs began to trail by two points, then by three.  At one point the score was as desperate as 11:5, but DARKs quickly repaired the situation, and game culminated at 11:9 for WHITEs.  Finally, after a long-range “missile” from Cüneyt hit the post and into the net. The final score was 12:9.  Very interesting game.

 Cüneyt picked for WHITEs  Andres picked for DARKs
 Many, many missed opportunities on both sides
 Cüneyt scores SIX goals!  Andres scores SIX goals!
 It could have been the last game with all the snow on the gound


Game Timeline

10:09 – 1:0 – Cüneyt first goal a minute into the game

10:17 – 1:1 – Arnaud – intercept and score!

10:22 – 2:1 – Alex Grt to Dr. Yurik and Cüneyt finishes

10:25 – 2:2 – Lyonya G. serves the corner, and Lesha K. scores the beautiful header

10:26 – 3:2 – Oleg supplies a pass, and Dr. Yurik scores on Arnaud

10:29 – 4:2 – Cüneyt served the cornet ,a nd Dr. Yurik scored a header

10:30 – 4:3 – Yura D. – nothing can be against a powerful shot

10:37 – 5:3 – Cüneyt – persistence goal on Lyonya G.

10:43 – 6:3 – Dr. Yurik – goal number 3!

10:47 – 6:4 – Andres – sharp counter-attack and goal on Oleg

10:59 – 7:4 – Alex Grt

11:02 – 8:4 – Cüneyt

* * * Stas and Yura D. leave * * * It is 4-on-4 now

11:15 – 8:5 – Intercept after a cornet, and Andres scores off the post

11:15 – 9:5 – Cüneyt – goal number 5


25 Game 2013-12-14-SAT


11:17 – 10:5 – Oleg – passes from Alex Grt and Dr. Yurik

11:20 – 11:5 – Oleg again!

11:22 – 11:6 – Andres scores a header after a pass from Lyonya G.

11:23 – 11:7 – Andres continues his series

11:24 – 11:8 – Anders again!

11:33 – 11:9 – Andres one more time!

11:34 – 12:9 – Cüneyt – final and most important goal! – catastrophe averted!

* * * The   E N D * * *


Standings after 25 Games

Threshold reached 6 game now.  We are getting closer to season end.

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Lenia Ch. 10 6 3 0.3
02 Damon 7 6 1 0.143
03 Cüneyt 9 5 22 2.444
04 Dr. Yurik 12 5 9 0.75
05 Michel 17 4 6 0.353
06 Lesha K. 11 3 7 0.636
07 Dima B. 7 3 3 0.429
08 Grisha Rom. 7 2 8 1.143
09 Stas M. 7 2 2 0.286
10 Alex Z. 7 2 2 0.286
11 Vlad 2 8 1 17 2.125
12 Boris R. 12 1 10 0.833
13 Grisha L. 8 1 5 0.625
14 Yura D. 6 1 3 0.5
15 Tiro 6 1 1 0.167
16 Fred 7 0 10 1.429
17 Roma 9 0 3 0.333
18 Ilya L. 17 0 5 0.294
19 Sasha L. 8 -1 19 2.375
20 Bobby 12 -1 10 0.833
21 Victor 7 -1 4 0.571
22 Vladis Sh. 7 -1 2 0.286
23 Juan 8 -1 2 0.25
24 Arnaud 10 -1 1 0.1
25 Mitia 6 -1 0 0
26 Lyonya G. 14 -2 7 0.5
27 Oleg 19 -2 3 0.158
28 Misha P. 15 -2 2 0.133
29 Andres 9 -3 18 2
30 Vlad U. 8 -3 3 0.375
31 Alex Grt 25 -3 7 0.28
32 Jamie 13 -3 0 0
33 Sergey K. 6 -3 0 0
34 Vadim L. 16 -4 5 0.313
35 Kolya P. 10 -6 2 0.2
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