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01 September 2022 AT trip – preparations

New (the same) walking sticks – two instead of one as before.  On august 6 I bought Cascade Mountain Tech Carbon Fiber Walking or Hiking Sticks for $55.24. New very small charging battery for 3 iPhone charges.  On August 22 I bought 10 oz. light and small 10000mAh external battery. […]

Finding Self

Смысл и назначение жизни

КРАТКО – Жизнь – это отпуск неизвестной продолжительности. SUMMARY – Life is a vacation of unknown length. Начало Пустота по имени Ничего Раньше меня очень беспокоила пустота. Как только я ощущал пустоту в своей жизни, я сразу же бежал в библиотеку, чтобы черпать новые мысли из первоисточников, или начинал новый проект […]

Office and Browsers

How to Run Malicious Software Removal Tool?

MRT Just 3 letters you need to know – MRT That is right, just type MRT.exe in you Start – Run box.  Why they hide it so deep?  Why there is no easy answer anywhere on the Internet? The program is located in %WinDir%\System32\MRT.exe Once again, to run Malicious Software […]

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We win, our country wins when . . .

We win and our great country wins when: – we create business-friendly climate (less regulations –> more jobs) – we faithfully uphold and enforce our laws and punish criminals – we open our doors and share our pie only with friends – we request small and nimble Government – we […]


Uninstall just one instance of SQL server

You have several instances of SQL Server (Express) installed and you need to remove/uninstall just one of the instances. Here are the steps tested in Windows 10 with SQL Server  2019 Express —01—  Open App & Features —02— Find MS SQL Server 2019 (64-bit) and click Uninstall:   —03— Confirm […]