02 Game Results – 2014-01-11 SAT – These guys are all right!


Game Overview

Amr is hero. Roma is hero. Everybody who survived 2 hours of gulling game are heroes.

First, Roma arrived late, and Zhenia T. allowed his WHITEs team to play down one crucial player.   Very magnanimous.  And WHITEs were doing OK.  At one point it was almost imminently 6:4 for WHITEs, except Amr stopped one-on-one, and DARKs turned almost 6:4 into a fantastic 5:5.

Later DARKs begin to dominate with one extra player – 9:6, and it almost time to go home.  At this moment Roma switched for WHITEs (to make 5-on-5), and things immediately turned around.  At 9:9 both teams  struggled to score without making any errors, and it was a torture.  Finally at exactly 12:10 the game was stopped.  Second tie in a row.


 Zhenia T. picked for WHITEs Cüneyt picked for DARKs
 Who scored the last goal? The most important goal?  Goal that brought the equalizer?  DARKs got Roma and played one man up for 1Hr and 18Min.


Game Timeline

09:58 – 0:0 – Weather delay, but very, very warm!

10:10 – 1:0 – Dr. Yurik went through Roma and Lenia Ch.- pass from Zhenia T.

10:19 – 1:1 – Cüneyt – pass from Alex Grt

10:30 – 1:2 –  Kolya P. –  pass from Roma

10:31 – 2:2 – Mitia to Dr. Yurik – watch out for this new link!

10:33 – 3:2 – Pasha from a sharp angle

10:41 – 3:3 – Arm – pass from Alex

10:46 – 4:3 – Pasha – header – corner from Zhenia T.

10:47 – 4:4 – Lenia Ch. – secret weapon – Lenia was standing in the goals, and suddenly scored a goal on the first attack

10:49 – 5:4 – Zhenia T. – goal from a very long distance – GK did not have time to return to the frame

10:58 – 5:5 – That is the famous goal, when Amr stopped the one-on-one, and Cüneyt scored in a few short moments afterwards

11:02 – 5:6 – Cüneyt – pass from Lenia Ch. – pass from Alex Grt

11:23 – 6:6 – Sasha N. – pass from Zhenia T.

11:24 – 6:7 – Cüneyt – individual effort – impossible goal!

11:28 – 6:8 – Kolya P. – Sasha N. is out – Roma switches for WHITEs – it is now 5-on-5

11:43 – 6:9 – Cüneyt – goal number 5


02 Game 2014-01-11 SAT


11:44 – 7:9 – Pasha – pass from Roma

11:51 – 8:9 – Roma – pass from Dr. Yurik

11:XX – 9:9 – Who scored the last goal? – goes to Unknown

12:10 – 9:9 – The whistle – The END – * * *


Standings after 02 Games

Two game – two ties: nobody gets any points:

2014-01-01 Dr Yurik VMAC

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Cüneyt 2 0 6 3
02 Yura D. 1 0 3 3
03 Pasha 1 0 3 3
04 Dr. Yurik 2 0 4 2
05 Yura B. 1 0 2 2
06 Sergey K. 1 0 2 2
07 Kolya P. 1 0 2 2
08 Alex Grt 2 0 2 1
09 Zhenia T. 1 0 1 1
10 Unknown 1 0 1 1
11 Sasha N. 1 0 1 1
12 Roma 1 0 1 1
13 Pasha N. 1 0 1 1
14 Misha P. 1 0 1 1
15 Lenia Ch. 1 0 1 1
16 Amr 1 0 1 1
17 Mitia 2 0 0 0
18 Zhenia A. 1 0 0 0
19 Vadim L. 1 0 0 0
20 Senia 1 0 0 0
21 Sam P. 1 0 0 0
22 Oleg 1 0 0 0
23 Kevin 1 0 0 0
24 Dima N. 1 0 0 0
25 Damon 1 0 0 0
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