06 Sept 05 Mon – think freedom vs. being busy and write about it

Summary: wake up in the hiker’s hostel in Kingfield. Get a ride to my rental car for $10.  Visit Myers Beach on Flagstaff Lake.  Long term rain starts at 11AM. Lunch in Red Onion in Rangeley.  Visit Rangeley Lake State Park for free.  Book a stay in a Portland hostel.  Pickup a bike and drive to Portland.


06:54 after the shower in the room.  The rain got postponed again – till 10AM this time.

Drinking tea on the porch. Taking it slow


08:46 I am with my rented car on route 27. I paid $10 for the 18 mi ride from Kingsfield.  Per my host advise Laurence, I will go visit Flagstaff Lake.  This is huge lake to the north of Appalachian Trail.


09:14 After a short drive I am at Myers Lodge East.  The rain is postponed again. I experience a huge sense of relief.  The hiking portion of trip id over.  Now I can dive into freedom, into a day without a schedule, into philosophy and contemplation. I am not in a hurry.  I have no where to go and no place to be.  Just be with yourself.


Here is large parking, a few parties gathering their things. One group just arrived on canoe loaded with touristy boxes and empty bottles.  They were celebrating somewhere on the shores of sprawling Flagstaff Lake. From this sight I got an idea to gather information about this type of water travel.


There are even some mosquitoes here.   First such encounter.


10:03 Sitting on the grass and writing my notes on instruments of freedom.  There are fantastic sandy beaches here.  The lake has an intricate shoreline with hidden nooks and islands.  Lake is surrounded with hills and mounts that creates a great backdrop.  Every turn of a shoreline provides a new discovery. I might put on my boots to be better prepared for impending rain.


I am in a stated of freedom for the next day – I can stay here or can start moving closer to Portland where my car is being repaired.  Food and shelter is accessible.  There are no obligations for me.  Freedom in a space to walk and explore.  And it is a skill to just sit and do nothing just like a skill of being busy and organized all the time.

10:53 Just now, full 24H later the first drops of rain are beginning to fall.


12:04 on the way to a restaurant in Rangeley, I crossed South Branch Dead River and stopped in an appendix that connects to a ATV trail.  It is quite here and no signal. The name is the trail – ITS89 or Langtown Mill, ME.


14:22 Yesterday at this time I’ve reached the Sabbath Day Pond shelter heading towards route 17.  Today, I eat at Red Onion restaurant in Rangeley and now I stopped at Rangeley Lake State Park near the boat launch ramp. Because of rain they let me in for free.



17:38 I found parling on the street that is good till 9AM tomorrow morning.  I arrived to hostel Black Elephant in Portland.  Got a room on the 4-th floor with 8 other people from all over the world – India, New Zealand. Lobby has hot teat and other implements.

While it was light I borrowed an umbrella and walked with the rain from place to place asking about vegan options.


19:03 I am at Portland Pie Co. restaurant about 17 minutes from the hostel. I notice that I forgot my Green Marble pen, but I know exactly where I left it on my bed.  So, not a problem. Here I am ordering Beyond burger and a salad.


The city is busy with holiday tourist. You must wait to get a table in some restaurants.  There is line to get into many restaurants. Downtown is a few streets stretching along the crise ship port – very pleasant and clean.


19:53 I am done with food, and I am ready to walk back to the hostel – still under the rain in my Keen sandals. The small city is very pleasant and mellow with activity. Surprisingly, I am not cold at all. 


20:27 I am sitting at a long common table in the hostel lobby.  There quite a few people here communication, playing games, drinking tea etc.


20:58 I already want to sleep.  I will go to my bank on the fourth floor. My bed is comfortably.  I am on the first level righ by the door. The bunk above me is vacant.  I will sleep with ear plugs.  The room light switch is next to mee so I offer to turn the light off and room accepts. The linen is white and nice. The blanket is cover in duvet – not every hotel has such a thing.  There is working individual wall light next to every bunk, so people can navigate the room without turning the main light.  Everything is very nice and clean 2 and all for $54 in downtown Portland.  Tomorrow will be the last day of my vacation if everything goes according to plan.


Another perfect free day in this very long 6-day vacation. Windows are ajar and vents are humming.


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Navigate through the List

  1. 01 September 2022 AT trip - preparations (2024/07/31)
  2. 02 - September 01 - be happy when everything works (2024/08/01)
  3. 03 Sept 02 - catch up to the schedule over non-existent roads (2024/08/02)
  4. 04 Sept 03 - above and beyond one's abilities over three 4000' peaks (2024/08/03)
  5. 05 Sept 04 - dander of rain pushes into sudden actions at the end of the hike (2024/08/04)
  6. 06 Sept 05 Mon - think freedom vs. being busy and write about it (2024/08/05)
  7. 07 Sept 06 TUE - Glorious rain, glorious day with a proper umbrella (2024/08/06)
  8. 08 Sept 2022 lessons and amplifications (2024/08/07)

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