Finding Self

Religious Education – Finding the Right Words

WORDS Religious education for beginners should use normal words.  Any word that is unusual or stigmatized causes listener to concentrate on words instead of meaning.  Think of listeners as timid deer that came out of the woods for the sounds of unusual tune.  Every word should strike “Me too, me […]

Finding Self

Эмоциональное Затишье

Эмоциональное Затишье [Media Timeout] Перестать заливать  себя звуковым мусором.  [20:18] Объявить мараторий на новые впечатления.  Остановиться затоплять себя все новыми роликами, звуками и картинами.  Дать каркасу индивидуальности высохнуть от постоянного дождя инфомации.  Защитить себя от TV, DVD, Internet, радио, музыки, книг, болтовни, шума, voice mail, returning phone calls and emails […]

Finding Self

To Be Alive

To be alive one needs to think.  It is your first move.  You are what you think. Before words and before actions comes the thought – the thought of “Self”. The thought is everything.  It is an emotion, it is a vision, and it is everything around you.  Try to […]

Finding Self

Hairbrush for Your Thoughts – Grooving

Muscles need their gymnastics. The same is true for your thoughts.  All day you go around piling up ideas and information.   How do you handle all this mess? Develop a habit of organizing and ordering your thought by using a mental hairbrush.    I do not want to use a […]


You can sign PowerShell certificates with New-SelfSignedCertificate and without MakeCert

  For those who can’t wait, here is the solution right away. Next two lines actually work – without using MakeCert.exe: New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName STA07 -Type CodeSigning Set-AuthenticodeSignature C:\T\add-signature.ps1 @(gci Cert:\LocalMachine\My -DnsName STA07 -codesigning)[0] First command creates a certificate in both Current User and Local Computer  Intermediate Certification Authorities.  Second command […]