Game Results 2011-11-05 SAT – Cüneyt Quietly Jumped to the Top

Headlines of the Day:

Matt and Kevin played in separate teams We did not wait to be kicked out.
We kick our-self out
 Lyonya and Alex – 2 crucial mistakes on the Goal
Huge goals seemed appropriate for the field size  Sasha scores from an impossible angle! Victor picks another wictorious team!
 A picture perfect 12 on 12 game.
No fighting, No obscenities today
Andres and Abdul played in different teams  Vadim scores direct from a corner!
 Andres and Abdool – 4 goals! Lyonya scores and Wins the game! Christof was close, but ball didn’t cooperate

Very long intervals between goals.  A tremendous weight of each goal.  WHITEs took an early  lead with Vova M. hitting the target fom a great distance ( 1:0 at 09:45).

Next, DARKs took a lead with Kolya and Lyonia both scoring important goals.  It is now 1:2 at 10:03.

Next WHITEs scored 3 goals.  Andreas score 2 goals.  First on Lyonya and later on Alex Grt.  Both goals are extremely painful and unnecessary.  Both goals from a distance of over 50 yards into the empty net.  And now WHITEs are us by 2 points (4:2) at 10:53.

Those 2 goals were a wake up call for DARKs.  All of a sudden  they begin to show some character and within minutes Abdool made the score 4:4.

As the game was drawing to a close, Sasha L. one more time scored on of those impossible goals, when both defenders and goalkeeper thought that moment is over (5:4 at 10:58).

DARKs placed Ilya L. to the goals.  WHITEs had this one more incredible opportunity, when Vova M. sent the ball aroung the goalkeeper right into the net, but Alex kick the ball out, canceling his earlier mistakes on the goals.

As it often happens, if you do not score, you get a goal.  Plus Sasha, Christof and Max left.  DARKs didn’t wait long, and scored.  Most likely it was Grisha Rom., but it is not entirely certain.

Players with 5 games or more are shown:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Cüneyt 5 5 12 2.4
02 Yakov 7 5 0 0
03 Grisha Rom. 8 4 10 1.25
04 Alex Grt 17 4 19 1.118
05 Boris R. 7 3 8 1.143
06 Zhenia A. 5 3 1 0.2
07 Nelson 6 1 5 0.833
08 Dr. Yurik 15 1 11 0.733
09 Vlad U. 6 1 2 0.333
10 Max 6 0 6 1
11 Vladis Sh. 6 0 3 0.5
12 Misha P. 12 0 5 0.417
13 Yura D. 5 0 2 0.4
14 Vova M. 12 -1 31 2.583
15 Stas M. 5 -1 3 0.6
16 Lenia Ch. 5 -1 3 0.6
17 Kevin 14 -1 8 0.571
18 Vadim L. 10 -1 1 0.1
19 Arnaud 6 -1 0 0
20 Ruslan 7 -2 10 1.429
21 Victor 12 -2 6 0.5
22 Lesha K. 5 -2 2 0.4
23 Marat 7 -2 2 0.286
24 Ilya L. 11 -2 3 0.273
25 Andreas 5 -3 7 1.4
26 Alex Z. 5 -3 4 0.8
27 Sasha L. 8 -4 22 2.75
28 Georgi 7 -4 12 1.714
29 Oleg 15 -4 4 0.267
30 Lyonya G. 14 -9 7 0.5
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