Game Results 2011-01-09 SUN – Never a Lack of Syuzhet (Plot)

Vadim‘s orange T-short found.

Oleg and Alex F. helped to clear large area in front of both goals.  We needed it, because we had 23 people today.

Dr. Yurik will be most likely a new leader on a scoreboard after today’s victory.

Lenia G. had a major mishap on and off the field today (I will apologize for him).    Everyone!  Next time something bad happens to you off the field, just yell and shout like Arnaud did, but do NOT kick other players in frustration.  With my own eyes I saw a $200 ticket, which on Masspike would translate into 90MPH?  On the bright side Lenia G. didn’t  get arrested for reckless driving, and he scored an important goal today.  Plus he saved WHITEs one last humiliation at the very end of the game. And Eddy was in a position to punish (penalty kick), but he didn’t.   One more time – my deepest apologies to Eddy, who for some unexplained reason became a target of a series of heinous offenses.  That is NOT the way we play.  Sorry, sorry, and sorry.

WHITEs couldn’t hold it.  Again!  With a lead 3:1 and 4:2 and one more time 5:4, WHITEs lost yet again.

We played normal business hours from 09:56 t0 11:32.  Erick was just beyond words.

The distance between top and the bottom is full 6 points after 4 games of a new Spring season:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Dr. Yurik 4 4 5 1.25
02 Erick 1 2 3 3
03 Lesha K. 1 2 2 2
04 Edik 1 2 2 2
05 Max 2 2 3 1.5
06 Yura D. 2 2 2 1
07 Arkasha B. 1 2 1 1
08 Armen 2 2 1 0.5
09 Eddy 3 2 1 0.333
10 Senia 2 2 0 0
11 Lenia Ch. 2 2 0 0
12 Tim R. 1 2 0 0
13 Serezha 1 2 0 0
14 Ivan 1 2 0 0
15 Pawel K. 4 1 8 2
16 Alex Grt 4 1 7 1.75
17 Alex F. 2 1 1 0.5
18 Kevin 4 1 0 0
19 Cüneyt 1 0 7 7
20 Kolia N. 1 0 4 4
21 Stas M. 1 0 1 1
22 Zhenia D. 1 0 0 0
23 Vlad T. 1 0 0 0
24 Sasha L. 1 -1 3 3
25 Lenia G. 2 -1 1 0.5
26 Ilya B. 2 -1 0 0
27 Arnaud 1 -1 0 0
28 Alfred 1 -1 0 0
29 Alex B. 1 -1 0 0
30 Matt 4 -2 5 1.25
31 Oleg 3 -2 2 0.667
32 Vadim L. 4 -2 0 0
33 Misha P. 3 -2 0 0
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