01 European Trip 2008 to Austria and Italy – Preparations

Vienna Parliament - 2008-08-14

An Idea
Some time in July 2008 we narrowed down myriad of travel choices to Vienna (Wien in German).

I bought 2 European plug adapters from a hardware store.  I was planning to charge photo-camera, camcorder and iPhone.  All devices are now smart enough, and do not require a transformer.

Data Plan
Also I activated a 20MB international data for iPhone ($25 per month), so I would be able to check emails, access my stock trading account and look for directions on Google.

In the middle of July 2008 I finally decided to redeem my Delta miles into actual tickets.  I had 140,000 mile accumulated from my trips to Mississippi.  I logged in and discovered that I need only 150,000 miles to get tickets to Vienna for the second half of August.  I had to buy 10,000 miles and with all the taxes 2 free tickets to Austria came up to just under $400.

I cut an August page out of wall calendar and on a large squares corresponding to each day I drew names of the cities or places we are planning to visit during this trip.  Here is our European Tourney as planned on paper:

Date Destination   Date Destination
14 Thu Arriving to Vienna   22 Fri Alps – Refugio
15 Fri Staying in Vienna   23 Sat Verona or Padua
16 Sat Staying in Vienna   24 Sun Venezia
17 Sun Train to Salzburg   25 Mon Venezia
18 Mon Leaving to Linz   26 Tue Undine, Villach or Spittal
19 Tue Cortina’d Ampezzio   27 Wed Back to Salzburg
20 Wed Grandmother – Kollmann   28 Thu Back to Vienna
21 Thu Molveno   29 Fri Plane to Boston
(Visited 147 times, 1 visits today)

Navigate through the List

  1. 01 European Trip 2008 to Austria and Italy – Preparations (2023/09/24)
  2. 02 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 13-14 – First Steps in Wien (2023/09/28)
  3. 03 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 15, 2008 – Wien (2023/10/04)
  4. 04 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 16, 2008 – Wien (2023/10/08)
  5. 05 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 17, 2008 – Salzburg (2023/10/12)
  6. 06 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 18, 2008 – Ice Caves (2023/10/16)
  7. 07 August 19, 2008 - Crossing Into Italy - Cortina d'Ampezzo (2023/10/20)
  8. 08 Austria and Italy – August 20-21, 2008 – Crossing the Alps (2023/10/24)
  9. 09 August 22,2008 – Back to the Wild - Rifugio Alimonta (2580m) (2023/10/28)
  10. 10 Austria and Italy – August 23-24, 2008 – Overwhelmed (2023/11/04)
  11. 11 Austria and Italy 2008 – August 25 – Venezia I (2023/11/08)
  12. 12 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 26-27 – Venezia II (2023/11/12)
  13. 13 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 28 – Back to Wien (2023/11/16)
  14. 14 Trip to Austria and Italy – August 29 – Back to Boston (2023/11/20)

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