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Udar Gromov daily jogging results + Pilates

After starting yoga sessions, the recommendation was to start log jogging miles using Apple Health.  Let’s see if we can discover some interesting trends.  And now, we also monitoring Pilates efforts.   2024 Pilates 03-17 Sun   03-18 Mon                        3.5 03-19 Tue                        5.5 03-20 Wed                        4.5 03-21 […]

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How to Move MySQL D/B Files (Windows)

Locate your MySQL installation files and central configuration file basedir=”C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/” Your MySQL configuration is stored in “my.ini” file Locate your MySQL Database location: datadir=”C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/ Application Data/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data/” Stop MySQL service. Modify My.ini file to point to a new D/B location and Save. Move […]

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Work with MySQL – Basic WordPress Queries

This article was born, as I was searching for ways to handle thousands of registered WordPress users, who never do anything, never return to the site, and never even change their default password.               Table of Topics -1030- List all registered users sorted by date -1060- Group registered users […]


Notes after Woodstock Fruit Festival 2016

  Woodstock Fruit Festival was held from August 21 to August 28, 2016. This page will eventually grow with more and more pictures from various days of this week-long event. Most of this will be interesting for the actual participants of the Woodstock Fruit Festival that has nothing to do with Woodstock. […]