20 Game Results – 2017-08-13 SUN – And the winners are . . . Arkasha B. and Dr. Yurik


Game Overview

Today we had the very last game of the Summer 2017 Season.  First statistical game on the Fall 2017 season will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2017.  Happy vacations!

Game started with complete DARKs domination, but something happened in the middle, and DARKs stopped playing.  WHITEs slowly and deliberately came back from the abyss.

 Mitia picked for WHITEs  Boris Sh. picked for DARKs

 Arkasha B. and Dr. Yurik are overall season winners – Congratulation!

 Boris Sh. scored 27 goals in the season! Wow!  Grisha Rom. scored over 2.7 goals per game in 7 games.
 Arkasha B. was most visible this season with 15 games under his belt


Most Goals

Most Goal per Game

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
00 Boris Sh. 10 -4 27 2.7 -0.400
01 Boris R. 13 -1 22 1.692 -0.077
02 Grisha Rom. 7 -2 19 2.714 -0.286
03 Cüneyt 8 -2 19 2.375 -0.250
04 Alex Z. 10 2 18 1.8 0.200
05 Alex Grt 20 5 17 0.85 0.250
06 Lenia Ch. 13 -1 14 1.077 -0.077
07 Andres 4 -3 11 2.75 -0.750
08 Ilya B. 6 4 11 1.833 0.667
09 Arkasha B. 15 6 11 0.733 0.400
10 Fred 7 -1 10 1.429 -0.143
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Grisha Rom. 7 -2 19 2.714 -0.286
02 Boris Sh. 10 -4 27 2.7 -0.400
03 Cüneyt 8 -2 19 2.375 -0.250
04 Ilya B. 6 4 11 1.833 0.667
05 Alex Z. 10 2 18 1.8 0.200
06 Boris R. 13 -1 22 1.692 -0.077
07 Fred 7 -1 10 1.429 -0.143
08 Zhenia Vol. 5 1 7 1.4 0.200
09 Ilya L. 7 2 9 1.286 0.286
10 Lenia Ch. 13 -1 14 1.077 -0.077
11 Grisha G. 5 -2 5 1 -0.400


Most Visible

Most Wins per Game

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Arkasha B. 15 6 11 0.733 0.400
02 Boris R. 13 -1 22 1.692 -0.077
03 Lenia Ch. 13 -1 14 1.077 -0.077
04 Sergey K. 13 -1 1 0.077 -0.077
05 Boris Sh. 10 -4 27 2.7 -0.400
06 Alex Z. 10 2 18 1.8 0.200
07 Vadim L. 10 -1 2 0.2 -0.100
08 Dr. Yurik 9 6 6 0.667 0.667
09 Vlad T. 9 4 5 0.556 0.444
10 Vladis Sh. 9 0 3 0.333 0.000
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Ilya B. 6 4 11 1.833 0.667
02 Dr. Yurik 9 6 6 0.667 0.667
03 Vlad T. 9 4 5 0.556 0.444
04 Arkasha B. 15 6 11 0.733 0.400
05 Ilya L. 7 2 9 1.286 0.286
06 Andrey S. 7 2 1 0.143 0.286
07 Alex Grt 20 5 17 0.85 0.250
08 Alex Z. 10 2 18 1.8 0.200
09 Zhenia Vol. 5 1 7 1.4 0.200
10 Tito 5 1 1 0.2 0.200

Game Timeline

Boris Sh 2017-06-04 Warren09:32 – 0:1 – Jonah
09:36 – 0:2 – Boris Sh.
09:46 – 0:3 – Boris Sh. – header – pass from Tito
09:49 – 1:3 – Ilya B. –
09:56 – 1:4 – Boris Sh. – pass from Jonah
09:57 – 1:5 – Arkasha B. – pass from Alex Grt
09:59 – 1:6 – Jonah
10:02 – 2:6 – Ilya B. after rebound from a defender
10:06 – 2:7 – Boris Sh. after Arkasha almost scored
10:09 – 2:8 – Boris Sh. scores a header after Alex Grt corner
10:11 – 3:8 – Mitia scores after going around GK Tito
10:13 – 3:9 – Jonah scores after a failed pass
10:15 – 4:9 – Vladis Sh. – pass from Vlad T.
10:18 – 5:9 – Alex did not called the fault and Mitia scores into near post
10:27 – 6:9 – Vlad T. on counter attack
10:29 – 6:10 – Jonah – penalty
10:32 – 7:10 – Vadim L. – pass from Vladis Sh.
10:36 – 8:10 – Vlad T.
10:41 – 9:10 – Vlad T. – Arnaud intentionally walk out of the goals
10:48- 10:10 – Ilya B. – fantastic season closer

20 Game 2017-08-13 SU

Final Season Standings

Arkasha and Dr. Yurik won the season with 6 points and 17 goals:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Arkasha B. 15 6 11 0.733 0.400
02 Dr. Yurik 9 6 6 0.667 0.667
03 Alex Grt 20 5 17 0.85 0.250
04 Ilya B. 6 4 11 1.833 0.667
05 Vlad T. 9 4 5 0.556 0.444
06 Alex Z. 10 2 18 1.8 0.200
07 Ilya L. 7 2 9 1.286 0.286
08 Andrey S. 7 2 1 0.143 0.286
09 Zhenia Vol. 5 1 7 1.4 0.200
10 Amr 6 1 4 0.667 0.167
11 Tito 5 1 1 0.2 0.200
12 Lyonya G. 9 1 1 0.111 0.111
13 Boris Ra. 6 1 0 0 0.167
14 David Fr. 5 0 4 0.8 0.000
15 Vladis Sh. 9 0 3 0.333 0.000
16 Stas M. 5 0 1 0.2 0.000
17 Boris R. 13 -1 22 1.692 -0.077
18 Fred 7 -1 10 1.429 -0.143
19 Lenia Ch. 13 -1 14 1.077 -0.077
20 Tim F. 5 -1 3 0.6 -0.200
21 Lesha K. 5 -1 2 0.4 -0.200
22 Yura D. 5 -1 2 0.4 -0.200
23 Josh 5 -1 1 0.2 -0.200
24 Vadim L. 10 -1 2 0.2 -0.100
25 Misha P. 8 -1 1 0.125 -0.125
26 Sergey K. 13 -1 1 0.077 -0.077
27 Boris M. 6 -1 0 0 -0.167
28 Sasha N. 8 -1 0 0 -0.125
29 Grisha Rom. 7 -2 19 2.714 -0.286
30 Cüneyt 8 -2 19 2.375 -0.250
31 Grisha G. 5 -2 5 1 -0.400
32 Dima K. 6 -2 2 0.333 -0.333
33 Lee 7 -2 2 0.286 -0.286
34 Diego 8 -2 2 0.25 (0.250)
35 Boris Sh. 10 -4 27 2.7 (0.400)
36 Zhenia I. 6 -4 3 0.5 (0.667)
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