07 May 2024 – Final thoughts

You can’t see or sense the happiness when it is right in your face.  You can dream about the possible happiness in the future or think about some happy moments in the past.  But being happy in the moment is too busy of a state to be aware of it.

The whole trip consisted of 5 days, four nights, 643 mi of driving, 31 mi of biking and 46 mi of hiking.

Lost items:

 – dark glasses (never used) that fell out of the case attached to the backpack

 – bike back stripe holder. That rarely used handle fell out of my pocket while riding the bike

 – metal pedal cover – it might fall off even before the trip.

Lessons learned:

 – update the latest messages for FarOut app at home to see the latest comments from the members

 – wash the car after driving on dusty forest roads.  The road dust doesn’t come off easily.

 – Go back to explore more, in more details, venture into side roads and deviations.

– Switch from hiking to kayaking nearby lakes.  They are as remote and as magnificent as mounts and hills on AT.

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Navigate through the List

  1. 01 May 2024 preparations for the trip (2024/05/22)
  2. 02 May 23, TH - substitute Frenchtown Rd. hiking with driving - smart (2024/05/23)
  3. 03 May 24, FR - 15 mi of hiking from 6AM till 5:30PM (2024/05/24)
  4. 04 May 25 SA - it is a lakes and streams country (2024/05/25)
  5. 05 May 26 SU - Does the path to Golden Rd. exists? (2024/05/26)
  6. 06 May 27 MO - the magic and anxiety of the last miles to the car (2024/05/27)
  7. 07 May 2024 - Final thoughts (2024/05/28)

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