10 Game Results – 2012-10-07 SUN – How to count 2 games?


 Ruslan and .. who else picked the teams  2 games – 4 teams – everybody comfortable
 Ruslan took his team to play on a large field
 Now Igor and Ruslan picked team from 14 remaining players


Game Timeline

09:36 – 0:0 – Start

10:02 – 4:3 – Ruslan served a corner, and Vlad 2 scores a picture-perfect header.

*** At this moment the the entire destiny of the game was balancing on the edge ***

10:04 – 5:3 Roma did all the hard work, and Oleg passes to Alex Grt – score!  Two point difference.

10:06 – 6:3 – Pass from Roma, but who scored – may be Michel?

10:12 – 7:3 – Alex Grt – goal number 3 – pass from Igor from the middle of the filed

10:15 – 8:3 – Lenia Ch rolled the ball to Misha T., and Ruslan almost stopped the ball.

*** 13 minutes, and game is almost lost – impossible 5 points difference ***

10:16 – 9:3 – Roma scores his third goal – 6 points difference – will this ever stop?

10:18 – 9:4 – Vlad 2 filigree and precision – GK did not even moved

10:28 – 10:4 – Oleg scores and high ball after a pass from Alex Grt

10:31 – 10:5 – Dennis P.

10:40 – 10:6 – Igor was covering near post, but Ruslan found an opening – incredible

10:44 – 10:7 – Ruslan again!  DARKs are getting very close, and WHITEs are getting very uncomfortable

10:48  – 11:7 – Oleg scores after a pass from Alex Grt

10:48 – 11:8 – Lesha K. – second goal

10:50 – 12:8 -Roma to Lenia Ch. and back.  Roma scores from the post into the net – pretty!

10:53 – 12:8 – Very early end – Games are merging – *** The END ***



Standings after 10 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 10 4 12 1.2
2 Oleg 6 4 3 0.5
3 Lenia Ch. 5 3 2 0.4
4 Grisha Rom. 3 2 8 2.667
5 Igor Gr. 3 2 4 1.333
6 Kolya P. 5 2 4 0.8
7 Michel 6 2 3 0.5
8 Misha P. 6 2 1 0.167
9 Vladis Sh. 3 2 0 0
10 Boris Sh. 3 1 7 2.333
11 Georgi 4 1 9 2.25
12 Roma 4 1 5 1.25
13 Lyonya G. 4 1 5 1.25
14 Ilya L. 6 1 5 0.833
15 Yura D. 4 1 2 0.5
16 Andrey S. 3 1 1 0.333
17 Alex Z. 3 1 1 0.333
18 Jamie 5 1 1 0.2
19 Vova M. 3 0 11 3.667
20 Edik 3 0 10 3.333
21 Vlad 2 5 0 12 2.4
22 Ruslan 4 0 7 1.75
23 Tony 3 0 2 0.667
24 Max 5 0 0 0
25 Grisha L. 3 -1 3 1
26 Lesha K. 4 -1 3 0.75
27 Yasha 5 -1 0 0
28 Dima B. 3 -1 0 0
29 Dr. Yurik 6 -2 5 0.833
30 Boris R. 4 -3 6 1.5
31 Victor 5 -4 5 1
32 Vadim L. 6 -4 2 0.333
33 Zhenia A. 4 -4 0 0
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