
Why so many people annoyed with Trump?

  I really would like to hear a reasonable answer.  People appear so annoyed that it is necessary to write serious articles, explaining that reasonable people can support Trump.  For example, article in Chicago Tribune: “Yes, decent people can support Donald Trump“.  Sadly, this is not a joke.  And I […]


Evolutionary Benefits of Corruption

Both relentless competition between countries and insider power struggle destroy weak governments and preserve strong and powerful ones.  In most all modern states, we see corruption is present in larger or smaller degree.  This could be an argument that after several thousand years of wars and survival, selection preserved systems […]


Russian hacking? – No. Putin aspired to help, but “NSA has moderate confidence” with a fake seal

Hurrah!  Russian hacking report is out, and now we finally learned that “Putin … aspired to help President-elect ..”, however “NSA has moderate confidence” in that statement.  Good intelligence work! Putin just ASPIRED something  and now we reading about it in a long-awaited intelligence report. It would be probably cheaper to buy any newspaper in […]

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Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press (по-русски)

English Russian Learn from Donald Trump skills of handling the press Учись навыкам общения с предвзятыми репортерами Debates about the unexpected victory of Donald Trump do not cease.   Let’s learn from his skills of handling the belligerent reporters. Не утихают дебаты по поводу неожиданной победы Дональда Трампа. Давайте учиться у него   […]


RUS: Споры о Трампе пересекают границы, делят семьи
EN: Arguments about Trump cross borders, divide families

  Эта цепочка of emails начинается как обычное новогоднее послание отца сыну из Москвы в Бостон.  И, как вы увидите, от поздравлений разговор круто переходит в сторону политики, либерализма и 2016 победы Трампа на выборах.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, Dec 31, 2016, at 04:36 Отец  пишет новогоднее поздравление из Москвы в Бостон Subject: Поздравление […]


Trump – Why no one knew?

This electoral map reflects a general expectation before the  election.  Clinton appeared to have 268 votes for sure and needed to win only 4 votes from NH or any other “gray” state. One day before the election New York Times estimated the probability on Clinton winning at 81%.   CNN estimates […]