Game Results 2011-06-08 WED – Danila vs. Daniel – Help!

The question is Danila today and Daniel a couple of week ago is the same person?   Anybody?

Today we played from 17:55 to 19:49.  Almost 2 hours.  Many beat heat with water.  Many preferred not to notice it.

DARKSs started strong with a steady 2 or 3 points lead.   Curious mistakes in defense made score 0:2 and  2:5 and 3:6.

Both teams did have a well defined offense and defense, and there were no quarrels about who is playing were.  People were rotating fairly.  I like, when people are answering the call of the wild and return home to “goalkeep”.

DARKs continue to dominate 5:7 and 6:8, and 8:10.  At this point new Danila suggest to play till 11.  Everyone were glad to stop soon.

Solid defense-man Andrey S. accidentally ripped his commemorative chain and decided to go forward to score.  Boris R. begins to supply him with complicated passes.  Very complicated. One one of these passes Andrey boots the ball with back leg, and ball rolls slowly between Victor’s legs.  It might be a turning point.

And here DARKs decide give Igor Gr. control of the goals.  What a momentous decision it was.

Few more minutes and Pawel K. rolls a simple goal into a near corner.  Two full hours of persistence and fun.

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Boris R. 4 4 11 2.75
02 Alex Grt 4 4 10 2.5
03 Andrey S. 3 3 1 0.333
04 Pawel K. 4 2 7 1.75
05 Ily 2 2 1 0.5
06 Vadim L. 4 2 1 0.25
07 Lesha Zh. 2 0 5 2.5
08 Kolya P. 4 0 7 1.75
09 Lesha K. 4 0 4 1
10 Alex B. 2 0 1 0.5
11 Peter 2 0 0 0
12 Zhenia D. 3 -1 2 0.667
13 Ilya L. 3 -1 0 0
14 Nebati 2 -2 6 3
15 Dr. Yurik 3 -3 8 2.667
16 Lyonya G. 4 -4 6 1.5
17 Igor Gr. 4 -4 3 0.75
If you do not see your name in a table above, you played less than one third of the games in the season. 

Please note that Wednesday games and Weekend game are calculated separately.

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