Game Results 2011-03-05 SAT – Two Late Arrivals Score 2 Goals Each

We were afraid that it will take months for our high snow bank to melt away. It was a great surprise to see the entire field plowed, and all the show completely off the field.

Skyline last Sunday after a fresh dump of snow on the ground.
It was only 6 days ago.
Today the park was as fresh as a daisy,
and we didn’t even need Misha’s small goals


We started 7 on 7 on a large set of goals. Remember, how good does it feel to play unobstructed! It was wonderful.

Tomorrow rain is expected late, so we will have over 20 people on the field. Today we had a low scoring game – only 13.

Here is how Game progressed. One the very first minute (09:48) Georgi missed a golden chance – a troublesome sing.  Alfred and Yura D. arrived the last.  At this moment WHITEs were already down 0:1.

Yura D. spends a lot of time on a forefront and scores 2 well-deserved goals in frond of unsuspecting defense – it is now 2:4 for DARKs at10:36.

Now, as it usually happens in our games, 4 goals in a row from Erick (3:4 pass from Serezha), Dr. Yurik (4:4 pass from Erick), Alfred and Matt (6:4) totally turned the game around (10:55).


People are starting to leave at 11:08 and Dr. Yurik switches for DARKs.  Would it help?  Misha P. send a long one from the middle of the field and neither Matt nor Alex could stop it from penetrating the very corner right into the net 6:5.  That was a moment to break it or make it.

But Alfred and Matt clinch the victory with 2 more goals and an abrupt ending at 11:22. Very quick and competitive game with equal teams.


We reached a mid-season mark. Best scorers after 11 games are shown here:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex B. 4 5 20 5
02 Alex Grt 11 12 18 1.636
03 Dr. Yurik 11 6 16 1.455
04 Misha P. 9 -5 15 1.667
05 Serezha 4 5 12 3
06 Lesha K. 5 1 10 2
07 Matt 6 2 10 1.667
08 Pawel K. 4 1 8 2
09 Cüneyt 2 -1 7 3.5
10 Max 3 1 7 2.333
11 Lenia G. 5 -4 7 1.4
12 Drago 3 3 6 2
13 Vadim L. 7 -2 6 0.857
14 Kevin 7 7 6 0.857


Here is a complete list of our the top Win/Loss achievers upside down:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Misha P. 9 -5 15 1.667
02 Lenia G. 5 -4 7 1.4
03 Lesha Zh. 3 -3 5 1.667
04 Oleg 3 -2 2 0.667
05 Vadim L. 7 -2 6 0.857
06 Auto Goal 2 -2 2 1
07 Arnaud 1 -1 0 0
08 Georgi 1 -1 0 0
09 Ilya B. 2 -1 0 0
10 Zhenia D. 2 -1 3 1.5
11 Marcello 1 -1 2 2
12 Sasha L. 1 -1 3 3
13 Vova M. 1 -1 3 3
14 Cüneyt 2 -1 7 3.5
15 Vlad T. 1 0 0 0
16 Vladis Sh. 3 0 1 0.333
17 Stas M. 1 0 1 1
18 Yura D. 4 0 5 1.25
19 Kolia N. 1 0 4 4
20 Tim R. 2 1 0 0
21 Amr 2 1 4 2
22 Pawel K. 4 1 8 2
23 Lesha K. 5 1 10 2
24 Max 3 1 7 2.333
25 Dima B. 1 2 0 0
26 Marat 1 2 0 0
27 Eddy 3 2 1 0.333
28 Armen 2 2 1 0.5
29 Arkasha B. 1 2 1 1
30 Ily 1 2 1 1
31 Alfred 4 2 5 1.25
32 Matt 6 2 10 1.667
33 Edik 1 2 2 2
34 Vlad U. 1 2 2 2
35 Tim F. 1 2 5 5
36 Lenia Ch. 4 3 2 0.5
37 Alex F. 3 3 2 0.667
38 Drago 3 3 6 2
39 Chris V. 2 4 0 0
40 Senia 3 4 0 0
41 Erick 2 4 4 2
42 Serezha 4 5 12 3
43 Alex B. 4 5 20 5
44 Dr. Yurik 11 6 16 1.455
45 Kevin 7 7 6 0.857
46 Alex Grt 11 12 18 1.636
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