Game Results 2011-01-30 SUN – Fell a Victim of Our Own Success

Winter records were broken by our team-member attendance.  It is end of a snowy of January,  and we had 16 people on the ground today.

Youthful enthusiasm prevailed, and after one tired shovel worrier, grew another one to replace him.

We extended the field, but only 4 on 4 could play on the green comfortably. So we split into 3 teams by 5 each and started rotation every 5 minutes.  Each team would stay 2 games in-a-row regardless of the score.

Vlad U. headed a conservative team first to wait on “the bench”.  Results varied.  Some games ended 0:0, but we had one game 2:0 and even 2:1 in mere 5 minutes.  Interesting format.

From left to right: Drago, Lenia G., Kevin and Alex B.

This unusual rotation required a lot of switching colors, figuring stoppage time and even drawing resources from an idle team.

Events Captured On and Off the Field

It is a nature of healthy organism to grow.  Without growth there is stagnation and death.  So we had a new arrival today in the middle of an inhospitable winter.

Team I Team II Team III
Alex B.
Dr. Yurik
Lenia G.
Sasha L.
Vadim L.
Dennis D. (new)
Dennis P.
Alex Grt
Vlad U.
Vladis Sh.
Zhenia D.

The most heroic effort was one by Dennis P., who slide (slide, slide, slid) down the hill for the ball, and contemplated life on the way back.  Eventually he returns with a ball, but he is now all covered in snow and his thoughts are elsewhere.

It was impossible to count any goals or wins for three teams.  We barely have time to  monitor the clock. Around 11:35 congestion subsided, and we played with remaining few to finish with a respectable score 6:6.  We did not want to leave, because it turned so sunny and warm all of a sudden.

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