14 Game Results – 2012-07-08 SUN – Iron Men Work Out


 Game went from 4:0 to 6:3 to 12:9 and dis not stop there        A 7-on-7 squad started on a large filed and finished without loosing a single mate
     Game ended with unexpected result    
 Game lasted only 87 minutes        Oleg and Vladis Sh. were picking the teams today
      Everyone in DARKs team scored at least once    
  Who knows the result of the “upper league” game?         Summer turns long games into a true iron men work out
 Boris Sh. and Grisha Rom. lead in goals-per-game rase        Please check, if your goals are properly accounted for


Game Timeline

09:33 – 0:0 – A “left-over” players form two excellent teams

09:41  – 4:0 – A super quick lead was build by Moisha (2)  and Vlad T. (2)

09:59 – 6:3 – DARKs are trying to survive, but WHITEs and SKINs just wouldn’t budge.

10:17 – 6:7 – DARKs seem to have it in control now. Could it last?

10:30 – 8:8 – Boris Sh. still got the speed and the power to execute perfectly

10:48 – 12:9 – With only 11 minutes left, but WHITEs is now outside the reach.  Game is done!  All hopes ate dashed!

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10:52 0 12:10 – Sergey K. shoots and scores his goal number 5 in 7 games

10:53 – 12:11 – Vadim L. serves and Sergey K. scores a header.  This goal makes a come back a possibility.

10:54 – 12:12 – Vadim L. gives a long pass and Igor G. scores in one-on-one run.  Is it real now?

10:58 – 12:13 – It is unreal, but it is true.  DARKs literally stole he victory from other team just2 minutes before the whistle.

11:00 – 12:13 – No more energy – All energy is used up in short 87 minutes.

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Standings after 14 Games

This is our standard Win/Loss indication standings with min 4 games required to be shown: This table shows top scorers-per game with min 4 games played.  Here you can see who scored all 222 goals in this season so far:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 14 5 18 1.286
2 Misha P. 11 -1 4 0.364
3 Vova M. 10 0 14 1.4
4 Vadim L. 10 1 3 0.3
5 Oleg 10 -3 1 0.1
6 Dr. Yurik 9 -1 10 1.111
7 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
8 Victor 7 1 5 0.714
9 Sergey K. 7 2 6 0.857
10 Lenia Ch. 7 0 6 0.857
11 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
12 Vlad R. 6 0 4 0.667
13 Yura D. 6 -4 3 0.5
14 Bobby 6 4 2 0.333
15 Marat 6 0 2 0.333
16 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
17 Ilya L. 6 -2 1 0.167
18 Jamie 6 2 0 0
19 Georgi 5 3 9 1.8
20 Edik 5 -1 9 1.8
21 Cüneyt 5 -1 9 1.8
22 Nelson 5 3 5 1
23 Yura B. 5 3 4 0.8
24 Vlad U. 5 1 4 0.8
25 Igor Sh. 5 1 2 0.4
26 Igor G. 5 0 4 0.8
27 Alex Z. 5 3 1 0.2
28 Alex F. 5 2 0 0
29 Vladis Sh. 5 0 1 0.2
30 Zhenia A. 5 -1 0 0
31 Yasha 5 -3 0 0
32 Grisha Rom. 4 -2 8 2
33 Kevin 4 2 3 0.75
34 Damon 4 4 2 0.5
35 Boris R. 4 0 2 0.5
36 Josh 4 1 1 0.25
37 Kolya P. 4 -2 0 0
38 Gera 4 -2 0 0
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
2 Grisha Rom. 4 -2 8 2
3 Georgi 5 3 9 1.8
4 Edik 5 -1 9 1.8
5 Cüneyt 5 -1 9 1.8
6 Vova M. 10 0 14 1.4
7 Alex Grt 14 5 18 1.286
8 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
9 Dr. Yurik 9 -1 10 1.111
10 Nelson 5 3 5 1
11 Sergey K. 7 2 6 0.857
12 Lenia Ch. 7 0 6 0.857
13 Yura B. 5 3 4 0.8
14 Vlad U. 5 1 4 0.8
15 Igor G. 5 0 4 0.8
16 Kevin 4 2 3 0.75
17 Victor 7 1 5 0.714
18 Vlad R. 6 0 4 0.667
19 Yura D. 6 -4 3 0.5
20 Damon 4 4 2 0.5
21 Boris R. 4 0 2 0.5
22 Igor Sh. 5 1 2 0.4
23 Misha P. 11 -1 4 0.364
24 Bobby 6 4 2 0.333
25 Marat 6 0 2 0.333
26 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
27 Vadim L. 10 1 3 0.3
28 Josh 4 1 1 0.25
29 Alex Z. 5 3 1 0.2
30 Vladis Sh. 5 0 1 0.2
31 Ilya L. 6 -2 1 0.167
32 Oleg 10 -3 1 0.1


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