16 Game Results – 2012-07-15 SUN – Summer Season Will End on August 4

 Vlad U. and Nelson picked the teams        Due to vacations, only 3 weekends (or 6 games) remains in this Summer season
     Second overflow game picked 12 players – it was a tie    
 Found: Expensive yellow jersey and a older ball        Third “Merged” game lasted another half an hour and ended 6:4 for WHITEs

Game Timeline

09:24 – 0:0 Start the game with 11-on-11

09:28 – 1:0 – Yura D. supplies a beautiful pass , and WHITEs take an early  lead

09:40 – 1:1  – Ilya B. (the brother) turning into a serious force on the green

09:47 – 2:1 – Nelson calls a questionable fault on Benson, and Vova M. scores a looker into the net

09:50 – 3:1 – Vlad T. leaves the defense for one attack, hits the ball and Oleg does the rest

09:55 – 3:2 – Ilya B. supplies the pass, and Edik hits the target

10:12 – 3:3 – Edik – second goal after a pass from Vlad U.

10:13 -4:3 – Name is not recorded, but goal goes to Vova M. – This goal be challenged

10:17 – 5:3 – Yura D. picked the ball and played solidly and seriously – very good!

10:26 – 5:3 – It is over after 62 minutes – It was very hot.





Standings after 16 Games

This is our Win/Loss Indicator
with min of 5 games:
This is a Goal-Per-Game race
with min of 5 games:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 16 7 20 1.25
2 Georgi 6 4 12 2
3 Nelson 6 4 5 0.833
4 Alex Z. 6 4 1 0.167
5 Yura B. 5 3 4 0.8
6 Bobby 7 3 2 0.286
7 Jamie 7 3 0 0
8 Vova M. 12 2 19 1.583
9 Kevin 6 2 3 0.5
10 Igor Sh. 6 2 2 0.333
11 Alex F. 5 2 0 0
12 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
13 Sergey K. 8 1 6 0.75
14 Marat 7 1 2 0.286
15 Cüneyt 6 0 12 2
16 Lenia Ch. 7 0 6 0.857
17 Igor G. 5 0 4 0.8
18 Vlad U. 6 0 4 0.667
19 Vlad R. 6 0 4 0.667
20 Victor 8 0 5 0.625
21 Vadim L. 11 0 4 0.364
22 Dr. Yurik 9 -1 10 1.111
23 Vladis Sh. 6 -1 1 0.167
24 Ilya L. 7 -1 1 0.143
25 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
26 Edik 6 -2 11 1.833
27 Misha P. 12 -2 4 0.333
28 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
29 Zhenia A. 6 -2 0 0
30 Grisha Rom. 5 -3 12 2.4
31 Yura D. 7 -3 4 0.571
32 Kolya P. 5 -3 0 0
33 Oleg 11 -4 1 0.091
34 Yasha 6 -4 0 0
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Grisha Rom. 5 -3 12 2.4
2 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
3 Georgi 6 4 12 2
4 Cüneyt 6 0 12 2
5 Edik 6 -2 11 1.833
6 Vova M. 12 2 19 1.583
7 Alex Grt 16 7 20 1.25
8 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
9 Dr. Yurik 9 -1 10 1.111
10 Lenia Ch. 7 0 6 0.857
11 Nelson 6 4 5 0.833
12 Yura B. 5 3 4 0.8
13 Igor G. 5 0 4 0.8
14 Sergey K. 8 1 6 0.75
15 Vlad U. 6 0 4 0.667
16 Vlad R. 6 0 4 0.667
17 Victor 8 0 5 0.625
18 Yura D. 7 -3 4 0.571
19 Kevin 6 2 3 0.5
20 Vadim L. 11 0 4 0.364
21 Igor Sh. 6 2 2 0.333
22 Misha P. 12 -2 4 0.333
23 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
24 Bobby 7 3 2 0.286
25 Marat 7 1 2 0.286
26 Alex Z. 6 4 1 0.167
27 Vladis Sh. 6 -1 1 0.167
28 Ilya L. 7 -1 1 0.143
29 Oleg 11 -4 1 0.091



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