Slogans of the Moment – Hard Work Matters!

Slogans of the moment:

2018-04-09 MO – Your agenda and my agenda still killing trees.  Stop Eating Meat instead!

2016-12-27 TU – Hard Work Matters!

2016-12-27 TU – Worry about what people think, not what they feel!

2016-12-27 TU – When you habitually use words fascist, racist in your daily arguments, you diminishing the meaning of words.  When is the last time you actually saw a fascist or rasist.

2016-12-27 TU – Are you receiving from Government?  Or you are contributing with your hard work and taxes?  Does that influence your vote?  These are two and only classes in America.

2016-12-27 TU – Working? Vote to reduce GOV.  –  Collecting? Vote for big GOV.

2016-12-27 TU – Draw the villain first, so your listeners would know who is a bad guy and what we should do about it.

2016-12-27 TU – Your haircut matters!

2016-12-28 WE – What is interesting to my boss is fascinating to me.

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