Game Results 2011-04-30 SAT – Long Live the New Season

Last game of the Spring 2011 season was today.  Tomorrow is the first game of the Summer 2011 season.


Last game lasted from 09:40 to 11:16.  It felt predetermined and fixed.  No individual effort could change the final outcome.  22 players participated, but Stas M. had to leave almost without touching the ball.

Let’s start with season totals.  Win / Loss indicator and the season itself goes to Dr. Yurik with 19 points in 27 games:

Nu Player Games Wins
Goals Goals
01 Dr. Yurik 27 19 30 1.111
02 Alex Grt 27 16 39 1.444
03 Kevin 14 15 13 0.929
04 Lesha K. 15 11 19 1.267
05 Igor Gr. 4 8 4 1
06 Nelson 5 8 3 0.6
07 Serezha 8 7 14 1.75
08 Erick 5 7 6 1.2
09 Eddy 7 7 4 0.571
10 Vadim L. 20 7 9 0.45
11 Cüneyt 10 6 24 2.4
12 Matt 11 6 15 1.364
13 Igor Sh. 3 6 0 0
14 Georgi 8 5 16 2
15 Chris V. 4 5 2 0.5

Totals number of goals scored in 27 games was 452.  Here are the 20 most scoring people with over 7 goals total:

Nu Player Games Wins
Goals Goals
01 Alex Grt 27 16 39 1.444
02 Dr. Yurik 27 19 30 1.111
03 Cüneyt 10 6 24 2.4
04 Misha P. 20 -2 24 1.2
05 Alex B. 8 1 23 2.875
06 Sasha L. 9 -2 23 2.556
07 Lesha K. 15 11 19 1.267
08 Lyonya G. 17 0 19 1.118
09 Georgi 8 5 16 2
10 Matt 11 6 15 1.364
11 Serezha 8 7 14 1.75
12 Pawel K. 11 4 13 1.182
13 Kevin 14 15 13 0.929
14 Boris Sh. 4 2 9 2.25
15 Kolia N. 5 0 9 1.8
16 Amr 7 1 9 1.286
17 Vadim L. 20 7 9 0.45
18 Lesha Zh. 4 -1 8 2
19 Drago 6 3 8 1.333
20 Yura D. 13 2 8 0.615


Goals-per-Game is a uniquely precise indicator over a long run.  Here are 26 players with Goals-per-Game above 1.000:

Nu Player Games Wins
Goals Goals
01 Tim F. 1 2 5 5
02 Ruslan 2 4 7 3.5
03 Vova M. 1 -1 3 3
04 Grisha P. 1 0 3 3
05 Alex B. 8 1 23 2.875
06 Sasha L. 9 -2 23 2.556
07 Edik 2 4 5 2.5
08 Cüneyt 10 6 24 2.4
09 Boris Sh. 4 2 9 2.25
10 Georgi 8 5 16 2
11 Lesha Zh. 4 -1 8 2
12 Kolia N. 5 0 9 1.8
13 Serezha 8 7 14 1.75
14 Zhenia V. 2 2 3 1.5
15 Alex Grt 27 16 39 1.444
16 Matt 11 6 15 1.364
17 Drago 6 3 8 1.333
18 Ily 3 4 4 1.333
19 Amr 7 1 9 1.286
20 Lesha K. 15 11 19 1.267
21 Misha P. 20 -2 24 1.2
22 Erick 5 7 6 1.2
23 Alfred 5 1 6 1.2
24 Pawel K. 11 4 13 1.182
25 Lyonya G. 17 0 19 1.118
26 Dr. Yurik 27 19 30 1.111


Looking at our regular players with 8 or more games, let’s note Lyonya G., who propelled himself out of negative territory at the very end of the season. Also, only Kevin has more points than games, which shows a new more fair way to track leaders. This table is sorted by Points-per-Game:

Nu Player Games Wins
Goals Goals
Points per
01 Kevin 14 15 13 0.929 1.071
02 Serezha 8 7 14 1.75 0.875
03 Lesha K. 15 11 19 1.267 0.733
04 Dr. Yurik 27 19 30 1.111 0.704
05 Georgi 8 5 16 2 0.625
06 Cüneyt 10 6 24 2.4 0.600
07 Alex Grt 27 16 39 1.444 0.593
08 Matt 11 6 15 1.364 0.545
09 Ilya L. 9 4 2 0.222 0.444
10 Pawel K. 11 4 13 1.182 0.364
11 Vadim L. 20 7 9 0.45 0.350
12 Lenia Ch. 13 4 6 0.462 0.308
13 Yura D. 13 2 8 0.615 0.154
14 Alex B. 8 1 23 2.875 0.125
15 Lyonya G. 17 0 19 1.118 0.000
16 Misha P. 20 -2 24 1.2 -0.100
17 Stas M. 10 -1 5 0.5 -0.100
18 Vlad T. 9 -1 3 0.333 -0.111
19 Vlad U. 9 -1 5 0.556 -0.111
20 Sasha L. 9 -2 23 2.556 -0.222


Finally, about today’s game.  In all its glory, the game only had two directions.  From start to 0:2 for DARKs.   And from that to 12:4 for WHITEs.

And the game itself was very even and fair.  Both teams were attacking, but only one was scoring.  It is hard to explain the final result:

And the next installment of our membership list  from 61 to 70:

Seq Name Joined
61 Grisha Rom 2009-05-31
62 Lou 2009-06-01
63 Boris R. 2009-06-02
64 Nelson 2009-06-02
65 Dan Zeig 2009-06-03
66 Georgi (I) 2009-06-10
67 Igor Grig 2009-06-13
68 Eumir 2009-06-28
69 Invited by Dima VOP 2009-07-07
70 Grisha F. 2009-07-13

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