01 Game Results – 2014-09-06 SAT – First Game of Fall 2014 Season


Game Overview

 Oleg picked for WHITEs  Lyonya G. picked for Darks
 Heat was not a real factor ~ 26°C
 Super-Star list for WHITEs was short: Nebati, Vlad R. Vova  Super-Sstars list for DARks was long: Zhenia T., Sasha L, Kevin, Cüneyt, Abdool
 Season started on thick Brown grass
 Rules state that player earns the points based on the team where he started.  If player switched teams and  either scored a goal on gave a pass-on goal – he will earn points based on the second team.  Sasha L., Cüneyt and Zhenia T. scored 9 goals!
 Today we had one game, 25 players and very high 14 goals!
 If player scored or supplied a pass-on-goal for both teams – player can choose his base team.


Game Timeline

Matt 2014-08-23 SAT Brown10:02 – 0:1 – multi-pass combination with Abdool, and  Sasha L. scores first goal of the season

10:05 – 0:2 – Misha P. got such a beautiful pass from Cüneyt, that he had time to turn around and score underneath the GK

10:26 – 0:3 – Again Cüneyt passes and Dr. Yurik scored with his back to the goals

10:35 – 0:4 – Zhenia T. – not a strong shot, but no one expected it into a near post – goal!

10:36 – 0:5 – Arkasha B. directed goal to the net, but goal goes to Sasha L. who gave a brilliant pass

10:38 – 0:6 – Sasha L. – third goal

* * * * * – Abdool switches for WHITEs and Alex GRT switches for DARKs * * * * *

10:XX – 1:6 – Nebati scores!

10:XX – 2:6 – Vadim scores!

10:XX – 2:7 – Sasha L. again!

10:44 – 2:8 – Alex Grt scores after a header pass from Kevin!

10:XX – 2:9 – Sasha L. – goal number 5

10:XX – 2:10 – Cüneyt – goal and 2 passes!

11:00 – 2:11 – Cüneyt passed from a cornet to Lyonia, and Lyonya G. served to a powerful header by Zhenia T.

11:02 – 2:12 – Cüneyt – goal number 2


01 Game 2014-09-06 SAT


Standings after 01 Games

No need for summary after just one game

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
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