16 Game Results – 2014-08 SUN – Matt brings 2 late goals


Game Overview


 Ilya L. picked for WHITEs  Vlad U. picked for DARKs
 Sam scored! He was serving from right, and goal is well-deserved
 Zhenia T. brought his team to play against young bunch  Most regulars moved on to play on our favorite field by the tennis courts
 Over 45 people showed up for a rainy, but beautiful Sunday


Game Timeline

2014-06-29 SA Oleg Zhenia A.
For best results – use double protection

09:51 – 0:1 – Ilya B. – header- pass from Vlad U. –

10:04 – 1:1 – Tyro replies with a header after pass from Dmitry and serve from Yura D.

No GOALS for 30 minutes

10:46 – 1:2 – Michel somehow directs the ball into the net in a confusion in front of the goals.  That goal seems final and deadly for WHITEs

10:48 – 2:2 – Jason – new guy on the block – pass from  . . .

10:59 – 3:2 – Grisha Rom – WHITEs are up for the first time in the game

11:04 – 4:2 – Sam scores from a sharp angle – ball just goes right and lands into the net

11:14 – 4:3 – Ilya B. – second goal – pass from Lesha K.

11:15 -5:3 – Matt – most important goal of the game

11:16 – 6:3 – Matt – individual effort – that seals the fate of the game

11:23 – 6:4 – Moisha scores after a soft ball transition from Alex Z.


16 Game 2014-08-03 SUN


Standings after 16 Games

. . .

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 16 4 14 0.875
02 Zhenia T. 4 3 5 1.25
03 Alex Z. 6 3 3 0.5
04 Yura A. 3 2 7 2.333
05 Amr 4 2 6 1.5
06 Misha Tax 4 2 4 1
07 Victor 5 2 3 0.6
08 Lyonya G. 8 2 4 0.5
09 Kevin 6 2 3 0.5
10 Vlad R. 4 2 2 0.5
11 Mitia 6 2 2 0.333
12 Ilya L. 10 2 2 0.2
13 Damon 5 2 0 0
14 Tony 4 2 0 0
15 Kolya P. 3 1 5 1.667
16 Fred 6 1 6 1
17 Serezha 3 1 2 0.667
18 Bobby 9 1 4 0.444
19 Vadim L. 7 1 0 0
20 Yura D. 4 1 0 0
21 Arkasha B. 3 1 0 0
22 Alex F. 3 1 0 0
23 Vlad 2 3 0 6 2
24 Stas R. 4 0 3 0.75
25 Ezio 3 0 2 0.667
26 Sasha N. 4 0 2 0.5
27 Michel 3 0 1 0.333
28 Josh 3 0 1 0.333
29 Grisha Rom. 4 0 1 0.25
30 Misha P. 10 0 2 0.2
31 Zhenia A. 4 0 0 0
32 Ruslan 3 0 0 0
33 Ilya B. 4 -1 3 0.75
34 Nick 8 -1 5 0.625
35 Igor Go. 4 -1 0 0
36 Dr. Yurik 3 -2 7 2.333
37 Boris Sh. 3 -2 6 2
38 Cüneyt 4 -2 4 1
39 Vladis Sh. 6 -2 1 0.167
40 Juliy 3 -2 0 0
41 Lenia Ch. 9 -3 6 0.667
42 Dima K. 3 -3 2 0.667
43 Lesha K. 6 -3 2 0.333
44 Gosha 5 -3 1 0.2
45 Vlad U. 6 -3 0 0
46 Boris Ra. 3 -3 0 0
47 Oleg 8 -4 0 0
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