11 Game Results – 2014-06-21 SAT – 8 best teams of the World cup

So far the best teams on the World Cup are:

Croatia – Mexico – Netherlands – Chile – Columbia – Costa Rica – France – Germany.
I have to stop writing, because Germany – Ghana (1:2) is just too captivating!  Germany just tied – 2:2! It is goal number 15 for Klose.  He is now tie with Brazilian Ronaldo.  It is over – 2:2!!  What  a game!

And we would add Ghana to the list !?

Players with the most goals scored


 Alex Grt picked fro WHITEs  Yura D. picked for DARKs
 Great comeback for DARKs!
 First pick was Zhenia T.  First pick was Vlad 2


Game Timeline

2014-06-15 SU Goal on Bobby09:41 – 0:1 – Vlad 2 – corner from Josh

09:44 – 1:1 – Vlad R. – pass from Alex Grt

09:47 – 1:2 – Fred – first goal!

09:54 – 2:2 – Lyonya G. – pass from Oliver – pass from Boris Sh.

09:59 – 3:2 – Boris Sh. – header – pass from Oliver

10:06 – 4:2 – Boris Sh. strikes again

10:10 – 5:2 – Andrey M. – over the head of

* * * * * DARKs begin their come back * * * * *

10:24 – 5:3 – Fred

10:25 – 5:4 – Vlad 2 – individual effort

10:56 – 5:5 – Ezio – Oliver did not have time to react

10:56 – * * * * * The END  * * * *


11 Game 2014-06-21 SAT


Standings after 11 Games

What is the threshold? It is now 3 games.

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 11 5 13 1.182
02 Alex Z. 4 3 1 0.25
03 Lyonya G. 6 2 3 0.5
04 Mitia 4 2 2 0.5
05 Ilya L. 6 2 1 0.167
06 Kolya P. 3 1 5 1.667
07 Victor 4 1 3 0.75
08 Vlad R. 3 1 2 0.667
09 Serezha 3 1 2 0.667
10 Sasha N. 3 1 2 0.667
11 Nick 6 1 3 0.5
12 Kevin 3 1 1 0.333
13 Vadim L. 7 1 0 0
14 Vlad 2 3 0 6 2
15 Stas R. 4 0 3 0.75
16 Misha P. 6 0 2 0.333
17 Bobby 6 0 2 0.333
18 Ilya B. 3 0 1 0.333
19 Ruslan 3 0 0 0
20 Damon 3 0 0 0
21 Fred 4 -1 3 0.75
22 Boris Sh. 3 -2 6 2
23 Lesha K. 5 -2 2 0.4
24 Vlad U. 3 -2 0 0
25 Lenia Ch. 7 -3 6 0.857
26 Dima K. 3 -3 2 0.667
27 Vladis Sh. 5 -3 1 0.2
28 Oleg 5 -5 0 0
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