21 Game Results – 2014-11-30 SUN Latecomers set the game


Game Overview

Today’s game was all about Serezha vs. Roma.  They both came late and WHITEs got Serezha for Vadim and Roma. Game was very long – over 2 hours long, and it was a game of longevity.  And WHITEs won on a sheer determination not to give up.  All the time DARKS either were up by one point or it was a tie.  All the time the last gaol seem like the very last goal, but game just kept rolling, because the weather was beautiful, and turf was reasonably toxic, and passions  were running high.

Around 10:40 a new Mario entered for WHITEs, but they immediately allowed one goal and were now trailing on the scoreboard by one point.  However, as beginners luck has it, Mario ultimately scored 2 good-looking goals, and that might have been a factor in the final score.

 Lyonya G. picked for WHITEs  Oleg picked for DARKs
 We played from 09:51 till 12:02.  This is 2 hours and 11 minutes.
 Arnaud was pick number one for WHITEs.  Zhenia A. was pick number two.  Max was pick number one for DARKs.  Clive was pick number two.
 Stas entered for WHITES at the same time with Oliver for DARKs  Serezha entered for WHITEs and the same time with Roma and Vadim L.


Game Timeline

09:51 – 0:0 – Start on a turf at Brown – across the filed on a small set of goals
10:13 – 0:1 – Oliver – pass from Vadim
10:14 – 1:1 – Arnaud – immediate reply
10:40 – 1:2 – Mario enters for WHITEs, but Juan scores aslow motion goal with his back to the goals
10:46 – Serezha blocks the shot with his shoulder, but Alex Grt penalty is stopped by Lyonya G.
11:15 – 2:2 – Mario serves a high ball and ball goes into the net over the GK (Igor P.) hands
11:20 – 2:3 – Oliver finishes a complicated leg work combination after a long pass from  a GK (Alex Grt)

At this point Stas, Arnaud and Max are out.  It is 8-on 8 now.

11:29 – 3:3 – A hand called against Igor P. Mario scores again. He showed a lightening reaction after a shot from Serezha turned into a pass and Mario redirects the ball with his “back” foot.
11:40 – 3:4 – Juan – individual break through on the right and miraculous goal!

11:40 – Oleg is out, and Mario switches for DARKs. It is 7-on 7 now.

11:49 – 4:4 – Sergey K. scored with his chest.  Vadim thought that some hands have been involved as well.
12:02 – 5:4 – Arkasha B. – individual powerful break on the right and goal on Oliver (GK)
12:02 – * * * * * It is all OVER – what a monstrous game –  all 131 minutes of it! * * * *


21 Game 2014-11-30 SUN


Standings after 21 Games

Vova M 2014-11-08 SAT Brown IIOliver and Max entered a very low threshold of four games:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Alex Grt 21 9 19 0.905 0.429
02 Grisha Rom. 8 5 9 1.125 0.625
03 Dr. Yurik 12 5 8 0.667 0.417
04 Josh 7 4 2 0.286 0.571
05 Boris R. 6 3 7 1.167 0.500
06 Sasha L. 5 2 14 2.8 0.400
07 Lesha K. 7 2 6 0.857 0.286
08 Bobby 9 2 5 0.556 0.222
09 Kevin 4 2 2 0.5 0.500
10 Alex Z. 7 2 3 0.429 0.286
11 Lyonya G. 12 2 5 0.417 0.167
12 Misha P. 12 2 3 0.25 0.167
13 Dima K. 9 2 2 0.222 0.222
14 Serezha 5 2 1 0.2 0.400
15 Damon 9 2 1 0.111 0.222
16 Vladis Sh. 4 2 0 0 0.500
17 Cüneyt 10 1 25 2.5 0.100
18 Abdoul 8 1 13 1.625 0.125
19 Alex F. 4 1 2 0.5 0.250
20 Vlad U. 5 1 1 0.2 0.200
21 Arnaud 6 1 1 0.167 0.167
22 Lee 8 1 0 0 0.125
23 Zhenia A. 7 1 0 0 0.143
24 Tito 5 1 0 0 0.200
25 Senia 5 1 0 0 0.200
26 Nick 6 0 22 3.667 0.000
27 Yura D. 8 0 6 0.75 0.000
28 Vlad R. 8 0 5 0.625 0.000
29 Vadim L. 13 0 3 0.231 0.000
30 Roma 9 0 1 0.111 0.000
31 Vlad T. 4 0 0 0 0.000
32 Misha Tax. 4 -1 6 1.5 (0.250)
33 Vova M. 6 -1 4 0.667 (0.167)
34 Max 4 -1 0 0 (0.250)
35 Oliver 4 -2 7 1.75 (0.500)
36 Fred 9 -2 6 0.667 (0.222)
37 Arkasha B. 11 -2 5 0.455 (0.182)
38 Mitia 6 -2 2 0.333 (0.333)
39 Ruslan 5 -3 3 0.6 (0.600)
40 Vlad 2 5 -4 7 1.4 (0.800)
41 Lenia Ch. 15 -4 12 0.8 (0.267)
42 Stas M. 7 -4 4 0.571 (0.571)
43 Andres 8 -5 12 1.5 (0.625)
44 Oleg 15 -5 5 0.333 (0.333)
45 Ilya L. 10 -5 2 0.2 (0.500)
46 Ilya B. 13 -7 17 1.308 (0.538)
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