07 May 31, TUE – drying out and resting up

A whole day to dry out all my gear on the sun, restock bug spray and sunscreen, and olive oil, and sugar, and stove fuel.  In the afternoon, I even have time to do some work emails and prepare for next day.  And had a chance to cut the grass for first time this season.

Midday, I went to the post office to send my broken Nikon COOLPIX 9900 camera for a repair (~$9). They would reply on June 13 with a medium repair estimate cost of $164.07.  I approved the repair on the web.  On June 23, they would inform me that there are no spare parts for this camera and instead they would like to offer me a refurbished COOLPIX A1000 at the current repair cost of $137.95 plus tax and shipping. It will come with 90-day warranty. I am looking at the specs of this camera. It has x35 optical zoom and camera uses the same battery type as my broken camera – BM EN-EL12.  Very nice.  New camera arrived on TUE 06-28 – just in time for my next trip to Maine June 30 – July 4, 2022.  See you there.

One of the first pictures taken with a new camera Nikon COOLPIX A1000 shortly after camera arrival on 06-28 TUE
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  1. 01 A brief overview of May 2022 AT trip (2024/05/18)
  2. 02 May 26 THU - Ride the bike without the rucksack (2024/05/19)
  3. 03 May 27, FRI - hiking from Gorham, NH to Gentian Pond Shelter - again (2024/05/20)
  4. 04 May 28, SAT - hiking from Gentian Pond to Full Goose Shelter (2024/05/21)
  5. 05 May 29, SUN - Mahoosuc Gorge - miracle of traveling pants (2024/05/22)
  6. 06 May 30, MON - hike over Mahoosuc Arm and Spec to car (2024/05/23)
  7. 07 May 31, TUE - drying out and resting up (2024/05/31)

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