01 Game Results 2012-09-08 SAT – Roma Shines on Both Sides. Amazing


 Yasha and Yura D. picked the teams
 Max enters and DARKs immediately equalize
 Roma was a key player on both sides


Game Timeline

09:30 – 0:0 – Start with a 11-on-12 crew.  We eventually reached 13 -on-14.

09:45 – 1:0 – First pass of the season from Vladis Sh. and the first goal of the season – Vova M.

09:46 – 1:1 – Ruslan serves a corner and Dr.Yurik immediately equalizes.  WHITEs are speachless.

09:52 – 2:1 – Georgi supplies a curved ball, and Alex Grt stops, turns and hits the target

09:54 – 2:2 – Ruslan scores after a pass from Roma.  Ball did not even touched the ground

10:02 -3:2 – Kolya P. scores a header with his back to the goals.  Pass from Vladis Sh.

10:05 – 4:2 – Lenia Ch.

10:15 – Max enters for DARKs.  It is now 13-on-14

10:18 – 4:3 – Edik scores after passes from Roma and Roslan

10:21 – 4:4 – Roma scores from long distance

10:26 – Yura D. leaves and Roma switches for WHITEs.  It is now 13-on-13

10:38 – 5:4 – Lenia Ch. scores second goal after a pass from Georgi

11:04 – 6:4 – Vova M. scores his second goal

11:14 – 6:5 – Ruslan scores his second goal on a tricky fault shot

11:17 – 7:5 – Oleg scores a low one.  This one might be a key goal

11:20 – 8:5 – Vova M. scores his third goal of the season

11:22 – 8:6 – Victor pushes DARKs one last time in attempt to catch WHITEs

11:23 – 9:6 – Last goal is by a returning defender Andrey S. after a pass from Vova M.

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