Game Results 2011-03-19 SAT – Second Artificial Filed for Our Squad

Being ejected from the Brookline radioactive  dump site, we quickly found a second artificial filed in a close proximity.  Tomorrow we are switching to BROWN.   Link with map  and directions is on the site under Links menu.  Backup plan is Upper Falls off a Chestnut street.

We started on a lush luxurious Brown filed today just before 10:09.  This one other game that heavily armored men played here with “gherkin” ball sure requires a lot of markings and colors on the ground.

First two goals by Kolya P. and Lenia G. established the dominance of DARKs for a time being.  There were not a goals between 10:33 when Yura D. got a qick ball from Victor and pounded it above golie head (1:3) and 11:11 when Erick mercilessly needle the ball through defense lines into the net (2:3).

A lot of opportunities slipped through the fingers, but it was time for WHITEs now to edge forward.  First Clive did his usual excellent execution, and then Amr to Lesha K. to Amr and a lead for WHITEs for the first time in the game (4:3)

Only 10 people stayed to continue to play at this moment, but one thing for sure, it was a fruitful time.  In a matter of minutes score escalated to 8:3 and by 12:09 the final goal by Cüneyt saw a double digit score on a board -10:5.

A real overachiever currently is Erick with 4 wins in 4 games.  A very rare feat.    The distance between top and bottom is an astonishing 18 points after 15 games.


Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 15 12 21 1.4
02 Dr. Yurik 15 9 20 1.333
03 Erick 4 8 6 1.5
04 Kevin 8 6 7 0.875
05 Drago 4 5 8 2
06 Alex F. 4 5 3 0.75
07 Alex B. 5 4 21 4.2
08 Serezha 5 4 12 2.4
09 Vadim L. 11 4 8 0.727
10 Edik 2 4 5 2.5
11 Lenia Ch. 7 4 3 0.429
12 Eddy 4 4 2 0.5
13 Senia 3 4 0 0
14 Dima B. 3 4 0 0
15 Chris V. 2 4 0 0
16 Lesha K. 7 3 14 2
17 Cüneyt 4 3 13 3.25
18 Matt 8 3 12 1.5
19 Clive 3 3 4 1.333
20 Kolia N. 3 2 7 2.333
21 Amr 5 2 6 1.2
22 Tim F. 1 2 5 5
23 Ily 2 2 3 1.5
24 Vlad T. 2 2 1 0.5
25 Armen 2 2 1 0.5
26 Arkasha B. 1 2 1 1
27 Yura D. 7 1 7 1
28 Alfred 5 1 6 1.2
29 Vlad U. 3 1 4 1.333
30 Zhenia D. 4 1 3 0.75
31 Tim R. 2 1 0 0
32 Marat 2 1 0 0
33 Pawel K. 5 0 10 2
34 Max 4 0 7 1.75
35 Georgi 3 0 4 1.333
36 Grisha P. 1 0 3 3
37 Vladis Sh. 3 0 1 0.333
38 Zhenia A. 1 0 0 0
39 Roma 1 0 0 0
40 Eumir 1 0 0 0
41 Marcello 4 -1 4 1
42 Vova M. 1 -1 3 3
43 Kolia P. 1 -1 1 1
44 Ilya B. 2 -1 0 0
45 Arnaud 2 -1 0 0
46 Victor 1 -1 0 0
47 Robert C. 1 -1 0 0
48 Sasha L. 2 -2 5 2.5
49 Stas M. 4 -2 2 0.5
50 Auto Goal 2 -2 2 1
51 Lesha Zh. 3 -3 5 1.667
52 Oleg 4 -3 2 0.5
53 Misha P. 11 -6 15 1.364
54 Lenia G. 8 -6 9 1.125
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