
Adventures in the Dominican 2017-11 from 18 to 25

Hello hello from warm Dominican Republic. – counting number of sudoku tables  – how many different valid 9-on-9 sudoku tables are possible? – questions to Mergebot – does their service ($26/month) support upgrading from one server to another while maintaining new configuration  options – planning migration to Amazon: compare […]


Invent something every morning (Олег Тиньков)

CH每天早上发明一些东西每天早上发明东西 ENinvent something every morning ESinventar algo cada mañana FRinventer quelque chose chaque matininvente quelque chose tous les matins ITinventa qualcosa ogni mattina RUпридумывай что-нибудь каждое утро UKRЩоранку щось винаходь

Office and Browsers

Word task bar icon no longer displays recent files

Description of the problem: On Windows 11 Word icon on a taskbar no longer displays the resent files:   Steps to fix:–01– Navigate to this location: %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations –02– Delete, move or rename this file:  1b4dd67f29cb1962.automaticDestinations-ms –03– Restart the machine –04– Open and edit any Word document to start building the […]