Have you been confronted in a park with a question – “Why you are not wearing a face mask?” There are two lines of thought on that.

– I am not wearing the mask because I do not have it. If they require to wear a mask – they must provide it, just like a jacket in a restaurant.
– I am not wearing a mask because I rely on the magic of my immune system that evolved over millennia.
– I am not wearing a mask because I do not want to be confused with a terrorist and shut by security.
– I am not wearing a mask because this advice comes from the same people who said that washing hands will stop the virus.
– I am not wearing a mask because this make my glasses to fog.
– I am not wearing a mask because it is too hot.
– I am not wearing a mask because it is better to live free than to die as a slave.
– I am wearing a mask because Mask are for a masquerade, and our lives turned into a Halloween all year long
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