01 Game Results – 2014-01-01 WED Seven:Seven. Happy New Year!


Game Overview

It was very unusual game.  Misha brought his son Sam and his brother Dima N. with Dima’s  son Pasha.  We had 8-on-9 most of the game.

DARKs were down by 2 points three times  throughout the game – 1:3, 3:5 and 5:7.  Each time DARKs somehow work their way back to equality.  Least time was the hardest, although it is obvious now, that WHITEs were technically down by two player with Damon departure at 12:07.  For the next 22 minutes DARKs were running stronger, and finally Misha P. and Sergey K. equalized.

Let’s attribute this tie to a New Year miracle.  Happy 2014!

 Cüneyt picked for WHITEs  Alex, Kevin and Misha P. picked for DARKs
 The Spring 2014 season is here!  It will end On April 30, 2014.
 Dr. Yurik and Senia were the first pickes for WHITEs  Three Yura(s) scored total of 7 (seven) goals! – 50% of all goals!
 Yura D. leads with 3 goals in one game
 Damon was a late arrival for WHITEs  Vadim L. was a late arrival for DARKs
 Mighty snow storm could interrupt next several games


Game Timeline

2014-01-01 Senia  VMAC10:36 – 0:0 – Start on perfect green field with perfect lines

10:42 – 1:0 – Dr. Yurik scores first goal of the season – header – corner serve from Cüneyt

10:59 – 1:1 – Yura B. – pass from Alex Grt

11:04 – 2:1 -Yura D. scores – pass from Pasha N.

11:05 – 3:1 – Cüneyt – pass from Senia

11:06 – 3:2 – Sergey K. – pass from Oleg



11:09 – 3:3 – Alex Grt

11:12 – 4:3 – Yura D. – second goal

11:18 – 5:3 – Pasha N. scores while Alex Grt and Vadim L. were trying to cover

11:30 – 5:4 – Yura B. – scores second goal! – after a mistake in defense

11:48 – 5:5 – Alex Grt scores from the post

11:50 – 6:5 – Yura D. – third goal from super sharp angle – yura D. leaves home

12:02 – Kevin must leave home

12:07 – 7:5 – Dr. Yurik – second goal after a pass from Zhienia A.

12:07 – Damon leaves the field – technically WHITEs are 2 down

12:27 – 7:6 – Misha P. – a shot from afar on Senia

12:29 – 7:7 – Sergey K. – both teams are exhausted – The END


01 Game 2014-01-01 WED


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