*1* 08-29 FR – Off to a wild New Hampshire


Life is always in progress until it is not

08-29 SAT - Hiking Route


This time it was a special trip.  I used all the accumulated information and wisdoms of previous trips on this trip. I woke up really early on Friday morning August 29 2014 (04:39 AM), checked the weather one last time (they promised the coldest night at 51°F – that is very warm for late August. ), asked Google if it is OK to boil water  in an empty can, and at 5:30 I hit the road.  I decided to take a new route this time – not 3 and 93 as usual, but 95 and 16. Police action was in a full swing, but I was relaxed and pressed lightly on a gas pedal. I was so glad to escape from work, deadlines  and computers.
Around 8:22 (154.3 miles), I arrived to Glen Junction (cross of 302 and route 16), where I bought provisions and had my breakfast. The weather simply could not be better: not cold and not hot, and not a single cloud in the skies. At 10:10AM (162.6 miles), I was already at the end of the Carter Notch Road, and stared to load my bike. I took two trips 2.5 miles one way. The weather was simply gorgeous (+17.5°C), and I have met no one. Around 12:43, I hid the bike in the bush, put on the backpack and started walking towards No Ketchum Pond on the . . . what was the name of that trial? I forgot. [Bog Brook Trail] Here I discovered that I do not have gloves that are so essential to any outdoor trip. I even knew exactly where I dropped them – at the parking lot near the gate. Let us hope that someone will pick them up and saved them for me in 3 day when I will be returning. Not a problem. I had a spare pair of gloved in the warm closes bag for high peaks and cold nights.
08-29 10;46 - First bike loadAround 13:50, I reached the first junction. It was a junction with ever-present Wild River Trail. It approaches its termination very close from here. Now, and all that remained for my to walk this day was two short hikes 0.7 miles each.

At 14:46 I’ve reached a junction with Rainbow trail.  It is my possible route for tomorrow.
If I am not mistaken, I we reached an empty Perkins Notch tent site around 15:15.  It means the hike for today is complete.
Next task was to erect the tent, and even more importantly the tarp above it. Time started to go very fast. After I made a fire, boiled the water and ate my food, it was 20:30 and time to go to bed.
Let the first night to start. One thing I forgot to mention that around 19:20, one couple appeared, and that was the only people at the tent site that I saw all weekend long at this tent site.

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  1. *1* 08-29 FR - Off to a wild New Hampshire (2024/04/01)
  2. *2* 08-30 SA - Up Rainbow to Carter Dome - down Black Angel to Wild River loop (2024/04/02)
  3. *3* 08-31 SU - A day at "sea" - just soaking up the wild (2024/04/03)
  4. *4* 09-01 MO - Some magnesium fire please (2024/04/05)

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