24 Game Results – 2015-12-20 SUN First game on South Turf


Game Overview

 First time on Newton South Turf.  Very nice.  Let’s extend thank you to Vlad U. and Stas M. who arrived earlier and carried 3 pairs of goals across the fence.  It was a massive and a delicate task.  Thank you!

Andres scores a “tuft-opener” goal on our new field.

 Lyonya G. picked for WHITEs        Boris M. picked for DARKs
     Boris M. now picked  winning teams 6 times in 7 attempts    
 Yura M. scores 3 goals, suppliers one pass and 2 corners – Wow!        Oleg refused to pick because of yesterday altercations
     We will play regular season games all three day next week    


Game Timeline

10:10 – 1:0 – Andres scores after a rebound of a GK – Lenias Ch. 
10:15 – 1:1 – Yura M. – individual effort 
10:20 – 1:2 – young Anthony scores after a solo right side raid on defense bt Yura M.
10:25 ~~~ Sergey K. got hit into face by the boot, and his eye brow is bleeding.  He needs stiches ~~~
10:36 – 1:3 – Yura M. dies it again!
10:40 – 2:3 – Serezha after a pass from Stas M. 
10:42 – 3:3 – Andres scores after an intercept
10:43 – 3:4 – Lesha K. scores into the very corner after a pass from Dr. Yurik
10:51 – 3:5 – Yura M. scores again!
10:58 – 4:5 – Amr – pass from Yura D.
11:05 – 4:6 – Dr. Yurik – corner from Yura M.
11:36 – 4:7 – family goal – Boris M. scores after a corner from Yura M.

24 Game 2015-12-20 SU

Standings after 24 Games

Kolya P 2015-12-05 SA WarrenThree more games left in this season.  
Six games threshold will likely remain till the end of the season:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Ruslan 9 7 13 1.444 0.778
02 Boris M. 8 6 2 0.25 0.750
03 Lesha K. 6 5 9 1.5 0.833
04 Ben 7 5 9 1.286 0.714
05 Vlad T. 9 5 2 0.222 0.556
06 Vova M. 6 3 11 1.833 0.500
07 Fred 9 3 9 1 0.333
08 Vadim L. 10 3 0 0 0.300
09 Zia 6 2 10 1.667 0.333
10 Ilya L. 13 2 9 0.692 0.154
11 Tito 7 2 2 0.286 0.286
12 Misha P. 17 2 3 0.176 0.118
13 Grisha Rom. 11 1 25 2.273 0.091
14 Amr 6 1 7 1.167 0.167
15 Dima K. 7 1 7 1 0.143
16 Lenia Ch. 15 1 11 0.733 0.067
17 Alex Grt 24 1 15 0.625 0.042
18 Arnaud 8 1 2 0.25 0.125
19 Lyonya G. 13 1 3 0.231 0.077
20 Arkasha B. 8 0 3 0.375 0.000
21 Stas M. 19 -1 10 0.526 (0.053)
22 Roma 7 -2 5 0.714 (0.286)
23 Sergey K. 11 -2 2 0.182 (0.182)
24 Kolya P. 7 -3 2 0.286 (0.429)
25 Boris R. 6 -4 8 1.333 (0.667)
26 Dr. Yurik 16 -4 16 1 (0.250)
27 Yura D. 11 -5 3 0.273 (0.455)
28 Andres 12 -6 17 1.417 (0.500)
29 Oleg 17 -6 6 0.353 (0.353)
30 Ilya B. 10 -6 3 0.3 (0.600)
31 Lee 13 -7 3 0.231 (0.538)
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