04 Game Results – 2012-04-04 WED
Let Me Show Your the Sun with a Lantern


Midway WHITEs seemed in a complete control of the game – 7:4        
    Ben showed a fantastic agility and light touch – delight to see and learn    
        He juggles the ball, makes a false move, and passes to the most appropriate team-mate.  And all this, without yelling or getting involved. Marvelous!
Game interrupted again – few minutes after the start        
    Second Wednesday game with Georgi and Cüneyt as capitans    
        Goal number 4 for WHITEs is not recorded.  Who likes to claim it?
 Lyonya G. – 2 passes – 2 goals        


Game Timeline

17:55 – 0:0 – Start 11 on 11 – Happy Family

18:06 – 1:1 Lyonya G. and Victor exchanged similar high balls in to the air.

18:07 and 18:18 – 3:1 – Igor Gr. and Andres supplied two passes to Cüneyt

18:26 – 3:1 – Resume game on a small “perpendicular” filed

18:34 – 3:2 – Light touch. . . and first goal from Ben

18:50 – 6:3 – 3 goals from Lesha K., Lyonya G. and ????? were countered by Lenia Ch.

19:07 – 7:5 – Turning point in the game.  WHITEs score and change goalkeepers, but Victor scores right back from middle of the field.

19:08 – 7:6 – Georgi claims penalty and scores under a tremendous pressure.  Game gains a new dimension.

19:17 – 7:7 – Everybody politely let the ball run through their legs right into the corner of the net. Ben again!

19:22 – 8:7 – Ilya P. passes to Max to score.  It is getting dark under the trees

19:29 – 8:8 – Erick – individual effort – explosive difficult goal

19:33 – Header from Andres – it is all over.  Pass from Lyonya G.

19:33 The End in the Dark



Standings after 04 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Max 4 3 6 1.5
2 Lyonya G. 4 3 6 1.5
3 Cüneyt 3 3 4 1.333
4 Alex Grt 4 3 3 0.75
5 Denis G. 3 3 0 0
6 Christof 2 2 2 1
7 Ilya L. 2 2 1 0.5
8 Ilya P. 3 1 3 1
9 Kevin 2 1 2 1
10 Lesha K. 3 1 2 0.667
11 Pawel K. 3 0 7 2.333
12 Oleg 3 0 0 0
13 Igor M. 2 0 0 0
14 Victor 3 -1 5 1.667
15 Stas M. 3 -1 1 0.333
16 Dr. Yurik 3 -1 1 0.333
17 Igor Gr. 3 -1 0 0
18 Yan 2 -2 2 1
19 Lenia Ch. 2 -2 2 1
20 Ben 2 -2 2 1
21 Erick 2 -2 1 0.5
22 Vadim L. 3 -2 1 0.333
23 Stas R. 2 -2 0 0
24 Georgi 3 -3 6 2
25 Kolya P. 3 -3 1 0.333
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