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What is life’s goal?

In his very influential work “What Is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell” Schrödinger defined the principles of future DNA discoveries back in 1944.  He outlined that life code must be captured in a very small unit within a long molecular chain that are permanent and somehow can […]

Finding Self

To Be Alive

To be alive one needs to think.  It is your first move.  You are what you think. Before words and before actions comes the thought – the thought of “Self”. The thought is everything.  It is an emotion, it is a vision, and it is everything around you.  Try to […]


Think: What do YOU want to do?

What do YOU want to do? – I can’t find a clear answer to this question. To answer this question you need to imagine that all the doors are open, money is not an issue, and entire planet is your playground.  Under these conditions, what do you want to DO? […]