MySQL on Windows – Questions Answered


I just installed WordPress with MySQL.  I am familiar with all the intricacies of SQL Query.  I am asking from MS SQL Admin point of view.  These questions from a person who never saw MySQL before: 

 – Where DB files are located?    – See other post
– Is DB backup available and free?
– How to add new tables and fields?
– How to move database from one PC to another?    – See bellow and other post
– Is ODBS driver is available – Yes!
– Is GUI software is available – Yes! 

I am sure I will find answers pretty easy, but if you have any tips and tricks, please reply.

Within days of original post, I had to find answers to some of these questions.

Where MySQL D/B files are located

On a default Win XP install D/B files go to %UserProfile%/Application Data\MySQL
You can easily move these files any where you want:
-01- Stop MySQL service
-02- Move your D/B files
-03- Adjust my.ini settings to point to a new location
-04- Restart the service

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