Game Results 2011-10-16 SUN – Two Captians to Pick Teams

First praise goes to the miss Weather.  What a treat!  Sunny and warm.  And no bugs.  Remember greatest Pushkin words comparing Summer and Autumn.  Anyway – great work, Miss Weather.

Second praise goes to our wonderful people, who organized a fair team picking with 2 patriarchs: Yakov and Yura D.  The only problem with this system remain – late-comers, who might upset a delicate balance, but this was a great start.  Thank you!

Game developed exactly as yesterday.  WHITEs opened with a solid lead 3:1 (09:55).

Very soon DARKs tied and jumped ahead on the scoreboard.  Vova M. entered to replace Pawel KAndreas and Vova M. scored 3 easy goals.  It was now 3:4 for DARKs (10:10).

Luck switched back again.  Grosha Rom. supplied 2 passes and scored a goal (6:5 by 10:26).  And Zhenia V. surprised everyone with amazing long-distance shots on impossible trajectories (7:5 at 10:27).

DARKs tied again.  Edik and Andreas scored to make it 7:7 (10:38).

Another quick exchange occurred.  Alex Z. was blocking shots left and right.  He was blocking intentionally and unintentionally.  He used his legs and hands.  But goal that occurred was the most humorous.  Victor scored from the corner and Alex Z. let it by accident (8:8 at 10:44).

Last 2 goals were scored by Ziya and someone else, and game ended at 10:52.

After 13 games we have a
well-defined top and bottom:
This is a Goals-Per-Games
Competition after 13 games:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
00 Alex Grt 13 4 15 1.154
01 Kevin 10 3 8 0.8
02 Vlad T. 4 3 3 0.75
03 Yakov 5 3 0 0
04 Boris R. 6 2 8 1.333
05 Grisha Rom. 6 2 7 1.167
06 Nelson 5 2 4 0.8
07 Misha P. 10 2 5 0.5
08 Zhenia A. 4 2 1 0.25
09 Vova M. 9 0 25 2.778
10 Max 4 0 6 1.5
11 Ruslan 5 0 7 1.4
12 Dr. Yurik 12 0 10 0.833
13 Victor 8 0 5 0.625
14 Yura D. 5 0 2 0.4
15 Vlad U. 5 0 2 0.4
16 Arnaud 5 0 0 0
17 Marat 4 -1 2 0.5
18 Lesha K. 4 -1 2 0.5
19 Vladis Sh. 5 -1 2 0.4
20 Alex Z. 4 -2 3 0.75
21 Lenia Ch. 4 -2 1 0.25
22 Vadim L. 7 -2 0 0
23 Georgi 4 -3 6 1.5
24 Ilya L. 8 -3 2 0.25
25 Sasha L. 6 -4 16 2.667
26 Oleg 11 -6 2 0.182
27 Lyonya G. 10 -7 5 0.5
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Vova M. 9 0 25 2.778
02 Sasha L. 6 -4 16 2.667
03 Max 4 0 6 1.5
04 Georgi 4 -3 6 1.5
05 Ruslan 5 0 7 1.4
06 Boris R. 6 2 8 1.333
07 Grisha Rom. 6 2 7 1.167
08 Alex Grt 13 4 15 1.154
09 Dr. Yurik 12 0 10 0.833
10 Kevin 10 3 8 0.8
11 Nelson 5 2 4 0.8
12 Vlad T. 4 3 3 0.75
13 Alex Z. 4 -2 3 0.75
14 Victor 8 0 5 0.625
15 Misha P. 10 2 5 0.5
16 Marat 4 -1 2 0.5
17 Lesha K. 4 -1 2 0.5
18 Lyonya G. 10 -7 5 0.5
19 Yura D. 5 0 2 0.4
20 Vlad U. 5 0 2 0.4
21 Vladis Sh. 5 -1 2 0.4
22 Zhenia A. 4 2 1 0.25
23 Lenia Ch. 4 -2 1 0.25
24 Ilya L. 8 -3 2 0.25
25 Oleg 11 -6 2 0.182
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