Game Results 2011-04-20 WED Both Teams Reached Double Digits


Here are our venerable members from 31 to 40: 

Seq Name Joined
031 Oliver 2009-03-22
032 Matt 2009-03-22
033 Eli 2009-03-23
034 Misha P. 2009-03-23
035 Dennis P. 2009-03-24
036 Max 2009-03-24
037 Dean 2009-03-25
038 Christof Marré 2009-04-01
039 Dima – David Baskin 2009-04-02
040 Vladis Sh. 2009-04-05

We can’t make any statistical conclusions from 3 Wednesday games.  So let’s just  treat today’s game as a nice exception from the rules.

A perfect 10 on 10.  A perfect 2 hour game from 17:53 to 19:49.  And a perfect work out for body and mind.

DARKs gain an important lead 1:5 by 18:10.  In first 17 minutes of the game they were leading by 4 points.

In the next 17 minutes (18:27) WHITEs tied the score – 5:5.  You can’t invent a better scenario for the game.


Last tie on the scoreboard was 7:7.  New Andrey scored two goals in a row separated by … 48 minutes.  For 48 minutes DARKs could not score a single goal.

Grisha Ro. suggested to take a note of score 1:5.  He was right.  Both he and Igor Gr. scored together 10 goals – over 50% for the team.  He thinks that is the “GR” that made they both great today.

After 3 Wednesday games there are to many leader and outsiders:

Nu Player Games Wins
Goals Goals
01 Igor Gr. 1 2 5 5
02 Grisha Ro. 1 2 5 5
03 Lesha K. 2 2 6 3
04 Alex Grt 3 2 6 2
05 Vadim L. 1 2 2 2
06 Zhenia D. 1 2 1 1
07 Kevin 1 2 1 1
08 Auto Goal 1 2 1 1
09 Misha P. 1 2 0 0
10 Ilya L. 1 2 0 0
11 Kolya P. 1 0 5 5
12 Christof 2 0 5 2.5
13 Drago 1 0 2 2
14 Alex F. 1 0 2 2
15 Alex B. 1 0 2 2
16 Stas M. 2 0 2 1
17 Marat 2 0 2 1
18 Georgi 2 -1 6 3
19 Dr. Yurik 1 -1 3 3
20 Boris R. 1 -1 2 2
21 Andrey 1 -1 2 2
22 Lenia G. 3 -1 2 0.667
23 Tim F. 1 -1 0 0
24 Oleg 1 -1 0 0
25 Igor Sh. 1 -1 0 0
26 Dennis G. 1 -1 0 0
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1 Comment

  1. some players might ignore or not like your reports, but i bet most read it and derive some pleasure of stats, etc. … however you’ve slowed down a little – it’s either you’re increasingly busy at work or tired of reporting … but you used to be more descriptive of games/goals, etc. :) – : (

    while grisha’s and igor’s heroics in last night’s game were duly noted, we should commend dr yurik on 3 goals scored by the heel, 2 of those off the passes of yours truly :)

    48 minutes w/out a goal by darks yesterday is as pathetic as the horrible defeat of my beloved NY Rangers in their choke of a 3 period; different game, same result at the end :(

    see you on the wknd,

    lyonya g.

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