Home Forums Tech Windows How to install a legacy printer driver on Windows Server 2008 R2

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  • #2328
    Mr. Mangus

    When installing a printer driver for old printer, you do not want to press Windows Update button to pollute your system with thousands of legacy printer and device drivers. You want to install only your legacy printer driver. In this example we are installing Epson ActionLaser 1500 printer driver that happened to be HP LaserJet III printer driver.

    You need to have another Win 7 or W2K8 R2 instance, where these drives already installed.

    Load SYSTEM registry hive from parrallel instanse and either search for key word (“Laser”) or navigate to this lokation:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEQQQQControlSet001ControlPrintEnvironmentsWindows x64DriversVersion-3HP LaserJet III

    You are interested in a content of a key “InfPath”. In my case it was pointing to:


    Now, when installing a printer, use button “HaveDisk” and navigate to this directory. It worked in my case. Try it.

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