Home Forums Inside This WordPress Site bbPress Latest Developments -1.0.3 is Out


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  • #2288
    Udar Gromov

    Hurray! bbPress is NOT dead! For a while it seemed that they are completely perished.

    Now, as I discovering more and more problems with ver 1.0.2, a new 1.0.3 is available.

    I have high hopes for this release. May be they fixed those nagging search problems. I will let you know as soon as I tested.

    Udar Gromov

    My Current Problems with bbPress are:

    – Relevant Links in search results are broken

    – Search by Forum is not filtering

    – get_date_from_gmt() always return GMT time if called from bbPress

    – Clarify error message, if Topic Title is blank

    – tags <li> without <ul> are ruining page format in IE

    Udar Gromov

    Bad news – little was fixed in a new release.

    Still the same:

    – search by Forum doesn’t filter and

    – Relevant posts links still pointing to an generic page (topic.php#post-)

    – `<il>’ still kills topic formatting in IE

    What is now working:

    – Trying to find any documentation on what was actually fixed in this release? [19:22]

    – Menu at the bottom of “topic.php” is no longer wrapping – Fixed

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