18 Game Results – 2014-11-08 SUN Grisha Rom. – Six out of Seven


Game Overview

Grisha Rom. amazed everyone again when he ignored to pick two young bucks ( Nick and Ivan) and was busy selecting strong defensemen ( Lesha K. and Tim F. and Tito).  Everybody thought that the case is hopeless for the WHITEs, and several people even commented that teams are totally uneven.  Looking at previous statistics, we were just shaking our head in an anticipation.

During the game there were not a single moment of dominance by any one team.  It was an even competitive game.  Ivan was well supplied with passes on the right, but to no avail.  Nick in frustration took a defensive position to coordinate the struggling teammates.   But DARKs just could not get through the WHITE defenses.  As a result 11:6 yesterday and 5:11 today.


 Grisha Rom. picked for WHITEs  Ruslan picked for DARKs
 Cüneyt comes back I a big way – played 2 days in arrow – 8 goals in 2 games.  6:11 vs. 11:5  Big turnaround.
 Grisha picked successfully in all his captainships this season – this goes beyond the randomness of the game  After reviewing the team selection results, everyone was pretty sure to win on a DARKs team.  They even generously donated Abdoul in trade for Mitia (both late)
 Game of viscous sticky defense against a stardust offensive team
 Tim F. continues to be a golden star in defense.  With Sergey K. on the goals and Dima N. working hard to block passes.  Ilya L. arrived a little later due to a foot raise, and was waiting almost an hour – he replaces Vlad U. and Gosha U. only at 10:50
 Arkasha B. and Alex F. are growing fast in agility and overall value on the field. “Strong and strong” emphasized Newton Pickup Times



Game Timeline

09:49 – 1:0 – Cüneyt – that is just the beginning
09:53 – 1:1 – Andres was able to push through the defense lines and “barbed wire”, and scored a goal pass from Arnaud

Alex Vadim Lesha Grisha 2014-11-02 SUN Brown

09:59 – 2:1 – Abdoul – scores – pass from Arkasha B.
10:47 – 3:1 – Cüneyt – second goal after45 minutes without goals!
10:50 – 4:1 – Abdoul – second goal
10:53 – 4:2 – Nick gave an extra long pass to Ivan, Ivan to Lenia Ch. and Lenia Ch. scores from a sharp angle
11:05 – 5:2 – Abdoul was serving a corner and Cüneyt scores hiw third goal
11:15 – 6:2 – Grisha scores one of acrobatic goals after a  high pass from Cüneyt
11:32 – 6:3 – Alex Grt – a shot with legs above the head with his back to the goals
11:37 – 7:3 – Grisha Rom scores a powerful PENALTY on Nick (Ilya L. was trying to stop with his shoulder)

* * * Smaller game continues – many players leave all at once – it is 8-on-8 now * * *

11:41 – 8:3 – Grisha Rom pushed through defense lines with a constructive help from Arkasha B.
11:43 – 9:3 – Cüneyt – goal number 4 – strong powerful shot – Alex felt the ball under his arm, but could not stop it
11:49 – 10:3 – Cüneyt – goal number 5 – now it is getting interesting – can Cüneyt beat Nick by total number of goals scored?
11:56 – 10:4 – Nick scores his goal number 20 – and night is still young – pass fro Ivan
11:57 – 10:5 – Ivan finally comes through – pass from Nick
12:02  -11:5 – Cüneyt – Wow!  Goal number 6 today, plus 8 goal in 2 games, plus total of 23 goals in this season!


18 Game 2014-11-09 SUN


Standings after 18 Games

Let’s keep the threshold at 4 games, just to include our great regulars:

Grisha Rom 2014-11-02 SUN Brown

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 18 9 18 1
02 Grisha Rom. 7 6 9 1.286
03 Dr. Yurik 10 4 6 0.6
04 Josh 6 4 2 0.333
05 Boris R. 6 3 7 1.167
06 Bobby 7 3 3 0.429
07 Alex Z. 6 3 2 0.333
08 Sasha L. 5 2 14 2.8
09 Lesha K. 6 2 5 0.833
10 Misha P. 9 2 3 0.333
11 Vadim L. 11 2 3 0.273
12 Dima K. 8 2 1 0.125
13 Damon 8 2 1 0.125
14 Vladis Sh. 4 2 0 0
15 Cüneyt 9 1 23 2.556
16 Abdoul 7 1 13 1.857
17 Lyonya G. 10 1 5 0.5
18 Alex F. 4 1 2 0.5
19 Roma 7 1 1 0.143
20 Lee 7 1 0 0
21 Zhenia A. 5 1 0 0
22 Senia 5 1 0 0
23 Nick 5 0 20 4
24 Yura D. 8 0 6 0.75
25 Vlad R. 7 0 5 0.714
26 Vlad U. 4 0 1 0.25
27 Arnaud 5 0 0 0
28 Vlad T. 4 0 0 0
29 Misha Tax. 4 -1 6 1.5
30 Vova M. 6 -1 4 0.667
31 Arkasha B. 9 -2 4 0.444
32 Mitia 6 -2 2 0.333
33 Lenia Ch. 13 -3 12 0.923
34 Fred 7 -3 5 0.714
35 Ruslan 5 -3 3 0.6
36 Vlad 2 4 -4 7 1.75
37 Stas M. 5 -4 4 0.8
38 Andres 7 -5 12 1.714
39 Oleg 13 -5 4 0.308
40 Ilya L. 8 -6 2 0.25
41 Ilya B. 12 -8 13 1.083
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