Game Results 2011-08-17 WED – A Thorny Path from 6:1 to 8:9

Game started very late today – only at 17:59.  Georgy scored before goalkeeper even had a chance to put his gloves on.   The goal was qualified as unethical, and it was permanently scraped from the record.

WHITEs started one down (9 on 8), but both teams quickly gained a full roster (10 on 10).

At 18:49 score was 6:1 for WHITES. Somewhere here Eddy (after a few minutes of wait) enters for DARKs as number 11.

In only 8 minutes score reached 6:5.  Now the game re-started with a new vigor.

At 19:00 Erick scores a penalty on Eddy, who almost blocked it – 7:5.

At 19:17 Eddy scores penalty om Boris R.  He also blocks it, but ball goes into upper post and  into the net 7:6.

At 19:21 Clive equalizes the score (7:7) and Eddy switches for WHITES to equalize the teams.  For the last 20 minites of the game WHITEs played equal teams – 9 on 9.

Georgi scored last goals for DARKS (7:9) at 19:27, and 13 more minutes were given to WHITEs to equalize.

Daniel scored “last hope” goal for WHITEs at 19:38 (8:9), and the whole game seized to exist at 19:41:30.  If only teams had a little more time to spar.

It was a very emotional game.  It was a very tough game.   It was a very manly game.  And yet, everyone left the field without blood, and without bruises.  Friends, let’s do it again some time very soon.


Only two more games left in the season, and no one knows, if count will be possible. Only players with 3 games or more are shown.

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 11 5 14 1.273
02 Boris R. 8 4 16 2
03 Erick 6 3 7 1.167
04 Christof 4 3 3 0.75
05 Andriy N. 7 3 4 0.571
06 Denis G. 4 3 0 0
07 Andrey S. 5 2 1 0.2
08 Igor Sh. 6 2 0 0
09 Georgi 7 1 11 1.571
10 Eddy 3 1 4 1.333
11 Pawel K. 7 1 7 1
12 Vadim L. 11 1 4 0.364
13 Mike R. 5 0 10 2
14 Niko 5 0 9 1.8
15 Lesha K. 7 0 4 0.571
16 Stas M. 6 0 1 0.167
17 Peter 3 0 0 0
18 Daniel A. 9 -1 19 2.111
19 Clive 3 -1 2 0.667
20 Victor 5 -1 3 0.6
21 Alex B. 4 -1 1 0.25
22 Ilya L. 7 -1 0 0
23 Nebati 6 -2 13 2.167
24 Boris Sh. 3 -2 6 2
25 Kolya P. 10 -2 10 1
26 Ilya P. 3 -2 3 1
27 Hayk 5 -2 0 0
28 Lenia Ch. 4 -2 0 0
29 Dr. Yurik 9 -3 16 1.778
30 Yura D. 6 -3 7 1.167
31 Lyonya G. 7 -3 8 1.143
32 Zhenia D. 6 -3 4 0.667
33 Igor Gr. 8 -3 3 0.375
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