11 Game Results – 2014-03-22 SAT – It was 1:0 for almost 60 minutes


Game Overview

The earlier we start tomorrow, the better our chances not to be interrupted.  But as our people arrive later and later, our start time shifts.  We even saw Lenia Ch. leave the filed frustrated with wait in his burgundy car before the mass arrivals started.

Game started with an early goal by Zhenia T., but after that, both goals are firmly locked on both sides.  Not until 11:03 we did not have a second goal.  After that both teams opened up their defenses, but only WHITEs continued to score, but DARKs were stalling in the tranches.

 Zhenia T. picked to WHITEs  Ezio picked for DARKs
 Young soccer team peacefully coexisted with us on the same field.  Apparently, they still do not have any permits or may be they are just nice people.
 Junior spent almost entire time in the goals with complications from knee injury  Grisha L. stayed on the goals for DARKs most of the time, and received an ankle injury shortly after starting playing on the field.
 We will relocate to Warren as soon as grass will begin to grow around April 6
 Vinny supplied 3 passes on goal – very impressive


Game Timeline

09:45 – 0:0 – Very late start – vision cycle of lateness

10:10 – 1:0 – Zhenia T. – pass from Vinny

11:03 – 2:0 – Alex Grt for WHITEs – pass from Vinny

11:31 – 2:1 – Alex Grt for DARKs – pass from Andres

11:32 – 3:1 – Max – pass from Mitia

11:38 – 4:1 – Zhenia T. – pass from Vinny

11:42 – 5:1 – Junior – after resting on goals with knee injury


11 Game 2014-03-22 SAT


Standings after 11 Games

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Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Dr. Yurik 9 5 8 0.889
02 Alex Grt 11 3 10 0.909
03 Kolya P. 6 3 4 0.667
04 Erick 3 3 2 0.667
05 Pasha S. 4 2 4 1
06 Lenia Ch. 6 2 4 0.667
07 Sergey K. 4 2 2 0.5
08 Andrey M. 3 2 0 0
09 Zhenia T. 8 1 11 1.375
10 Ezio 6 1 4 0.667
11 Roma 6 1 3 0.5
12 Lyonya G. 8 1 3 0.375
13 Mitia 5 1 0 0
14 Alex F. 3 1 0 0
15 Junior 4 0 6 1.5
16 Vlad U. 3 0 3 1
17 Damon 4 0 2 0.5
18 Vadim L. 6 0 2 0.333
19 Dima N. 3 0 1 0.333
20 Vladis Sh. 4 0 1 0.25
21 Misha P. 8 0 1 0.125
22 Zhenia A. 4 0 0 0
23 Cüneyt 6 -1 10 1.667
24 Lesha K. 5 -1 2 0.4
25 Oleg 10 -1 3 0.3
26 Clive 4 -1 0 0
27 Yura D. 4 -2 4 1
28 Yura B. 4 -2 3 0.75
29 Zhenia V. 3 -2 2 0.667
30 Zhenia D. 5 -2 3 0.6
31 Andres 4 -3 4 1
32 Bobby 4 -3 0 0
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