08 Game Results – 2013-09-29 SUN – Roma takes the top position with 3-out-of-3


Game Overview

We had a near perfect 12-on-12 game today.  Boris opened the game with an early goal, bur Roma and Victor together turned thing around to take lead (1:2) for DARKs.

It took another 4 minutes for WHITES to jump back on the horse – 4:2 with quick succession of goals.  The games seems lost at this point.  WHITEs only strengthen their positions with 7:3 and 8:4 lead.

However, unbelievable, but true, we saw next 6 (six!) goals only in one goals.  Wow!  As people were leaning in pairs at free up more and more space on the field, Abdool had more opportunities to show off his individual skills.  And it worked!  From  10:48 ti 11:29:43 DARKs scored six goals.  This is about one goal every 7 minutes.


 Boris picked for WHITEs  Victor picked for DARKs
 Roma took a lead with 3 games, three wins and three goals
 Late arrivals fro WHITEs: Lesha K. Andres  Late arrivals for DARKs: Stas M. Abdool and Moisha
 Cüneyt leads the top scorers with 8 goals in 4 games


Game Timeline

09:42 – 1:0 – Boris R. scores from a sharp corner – pass form Bobby

09:52 – 1:1 – Roma – pass from Alex Grt

09:57 – 1:2 – Roma promised to score from his corner, and Victor gladly finished the task with a perfect header

10:01 – 2:2 – Ilya L. – fourth goal of the season

10:03 – 3:2 – Boris R. – perfect one-on-one

10:05 – 4:2 – Andres – just entered the game and an immediate SCORE!

10:12 – 4:3 – Grisha scores his third goal in three games, after a pass from Roma

10:28 – 5:3 – Alex F. was passing back to Boris, but ball just rolled into the net

10:36 – 6:3 – Brois R. won a multiple pin ball session

10:39 – 7:3 –  Andres to Jose to Lesha K.

10:48 – 7:4 – Dima B. scores a very powerful goal after a pass from Abdool

10:55 – 8:4 – Defense donates an inept pass, –  Easy intercept in front of the goals, and Bobby scores his goal

10:58 – 8:5 – Abdool begins his memorable series – pass from Victor

11:11 – 8:6 – Abdool

11:15 – 8:7 – Abdool

11:19 – 8:8 – Vadim L. – pass from Roma

11:20 – 8:9 – Stas M.

11:29:43  – 8:10 – Abdoll again! – goal number four


08 Game 2013-09-29-SUN


Standings after 08 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Roma 3 3 3 1
02 Lenia Ch. 3 3 1 0.333
03 Arkasha B. 3 3 1 0.333
04 Cüneyt 4 2 8 2
05 Grisha Rom. 2 2 4 2
06 Grisha L. 4 2 4 1
07 Ilya L. 8 2 4 0.5
08 Victor 4 2 2 0.5
09 Juliy 2 2 1 0.5
10 Dima B. 2 2 1 0.5
11 Zhenia A. 2 2 0 0
12 Damon 2 2 0 0
13 Boris R. 5 1 6 1.2
14 Lesha K. 3 1 3 1
15 Dr. Yurik 3 1 2 0.667
16 Misha G. 3 1 1 0.333
17 Vladis Sh. 3 1 0 0
18 Fred 2 0 4 2
19 Vova M. 4 0 6 1.5
20 Max Ch. 2 0 3 1.5
21 Vadim L. 4 0 4 1
22 Vlad 2 2 0 2 1
23 Stas M. 2 0 1 0.5
24 Ruslan 2 0 1 0.5
25 Ilya B. 2 0 1 0.5
26 Alex Z. 2 0 1 0.5
27 Misha P. 4 0 1 0.25
28 Michel 8 0 1 0.125
29 Arnaud 2 0 0 0
30 Sasha L. 3 -1 7 2.333
31 Bobby 3 -1 4 1.333
32 Lyonya G. 5 -1 2 0.4
33 Jamie 5 -1 0 0
34 Vlad T. 2 -2 1 0.5
35 Jose 2 -2 1 0.5
36 Igor Sh. 2 -2 1 0.5
37 Alex Grt 8 -2 0 0
38 Kolya N. 2 -2 0 0
39 Igor Go. 2 -2 0 0
40 Elgiz 2 -2 0 0
41 Edik 2 -2 0 0
42 Kolya P. 3 -3 2 0.667
43 Igor Grig 3 -3 2 0.667
44 Oleg 5 -3 0 0
45 Andres 4 -4 6 1.5
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